joe schmoe

Scoreboard Trump get over it

At least your post was balanced

Like I said none of these players actions were staged yeah right

Private citizens at work you forgot to add that go to work tomorrow and stand at your desk raising a fist you’ll be joining Colin on the unemployment line 10 minutes later

And their sitting kneeling and raised fists weren’t planned

You’ve been protesting the election for nearly a year and we’re the ones upset? Funny I don’t remember mass demonstrations for 11 months after President Obama’s took office

You tell your gay friends this mocking condescending joke and they like it???

So your making fun of a person you dislike you mock him by insulting him with a personal behavior you support? Puzzling

So when players do it it’s not tantrums?

Lol the Dodge Colt the ugliest car ever made but your statement is true. Other then my Metro my other ride is the Fiesta my only gripe the dual clutch at low speeds yuk

Absolutely what car can the average joe actually work on? Very few maybe the old Volkswagen Beetle or the Ford Festiva

Give it a break she’s not even a moderate Republican woman nor is she putting forth Mitch McConnell legislation she is a Democrat trying to make Republicans more palitable. She has a goal of steering Republicans as any Democrat would love to see us go my guess is she is pro illegal too. In her perfect world is a

Fair enough

He had sex with the alien in cocoon, all mental a classic

Good Lord help us.

Remember the old test where a person is given a two sentence statement and after going through 30 people they said tell us the sentence and it's totally whack? If you take the Beatles or Elvis and digitize their music same thing happens when going through different mediums there is a net loss, not a gain

A music talent went to Steve Jobs house and expected to see high tech equipment, digital files he saw none it it, he saw receivers, turntables and old speakers. Jobs sounds better. No doubt the new stuf can do stuff old stuff can’t but does it play it better? According to the genius of our times, NO. Your

Fall on the sword service fee of 4 bucks to say bye bye to commercials, like you my time is important to me. I use to love YOUTUBE, but its now become YOURCOMMERCIALS, low and behold what magically appeared, YOUTUBE RED, what a surprise. They always start out as “commercial free” back in the late 70's cable was that

I have the same result but not the same take. Do do believe in capitalism a novel concept especially given the modern tendency of the younger generation of which I’m not. At 50 years old I’ve seen it all except reel to reel music or music rolls. When i was born there was the vinyl, then the 8 track, then the cassette,