Joseph Roberts

When I lived in Portland panhandling was rampant. It wasn’t uncommon to be asked 50-60 times for money on my half mile walk to work each morning. I pretty much learned to always refuse to give cash, especially with the heroin epidemic there, but I was always willing to buy someone food.

like what JJ Abrams did with Star Trek and Star Wars!

Clearly a third dimension problem. 

I kind of love the Keanu has decided on a look and movies just need to write around it.

Maybe if we stop objectifying women, then maybe everyone will stop losing their god damn minds when there’s breast in the room.

I’d love to see a show based on the webcomic “Chief O’Brien at Work”

You forgot “let’s call the second Xbox and Xbox 360”

I’d like a silent home automation mode/setting. When I ask to turn of the lights or something I don’t need it blaring back at me that it worked.

I still think Solo could have worked great as a tv show. Basically and episodic type “Adventures of Han Solo” and each week or two be another arc that all interconnects. 

I had a Lytro camera. It was pretty fun to use. I was really expecting the tech to be bought and Implemented into mirrorless cameras. Could have been a killer feature. Oh well. It’s still fun to play with

I read that as you replaced the dog with an Xbox 

And he’s in at least one thing twice!

I assume the motive was she wanted to use the restroom and yet every place is getting no public restroom policies she got frustrated and decided she had enough or couldn't hold it. maybe made a threat she had to follow through on.

I think we found the engineer

I think a lot of us see this website shoots for “fine” over “great” or even “good”

their reporting really is astronomical

Personally think handmaids tale would have worked great as a connected anthology series. Each season focus on different characters, point of view, location and maybe even time period. Really focus on world building and maybe pepper in some connective threads for the scenarios. It would emulate the anthropology aspect

the 6.99 price is for 4 screens at 4K

even in Trek, most of the time it makes us sigh too, but there’s times it’s really used to create a setting, not drive the story.

My guess is that they are mothballed and the rebels are going to secure them as their new fleet