Joseph Milillo

He's the original dawg from Hell!

Not the same thing, but now all I can think of is Don Pardo bellowing "It's TERGIS! With Tracky John-John and Jiiiiiimmmy Moop!"

You know, if you assume that this video was the bit of data that solidified Ultron's worldview, the 2nd Avengers movie suddenly gets a whole lot better.

Yeah, they were gay.

I'm glad that so many old favorites returned this week, but I didn't get a return for my old ARROW favorite, Star City Citizen Holding a Box (from the Season 4 finale).

Maybe this is the wrong line to draw in the sand, but prior to Vicksburg, Grant did NOT have plenty of food and water at camp, because the Confederates were constantly attacking his supply lines. Even if you accept a version of Grant who's super thrilled about taking in freed slaves (a somewhat surprisingly plausible

Once again, Hoop Dreams is overlooked.

(DAN HARMON VOICE): High-Roaded.

Turning it into a snake.

Oh, Britta's in this?

YYYYYYYYEP. Now look up Geoffrey Arend.

AV Clubbers would do well to check out Gairdner's Tiny Fuppets series.

There is no Zuul reference, only Zuul.


I see you, Star City Citizen holding a box. I hope you won't disappoint me by bringing that box to the big showdown with Darhk.

Charming Old Hats:

I can make it up to you. I'll find a fatter Neil.

Fact: November 6 - 8 is not summer, even in Texas.

So… if I understand Jesse's shirt in that scene with Harry, her left boob (and ONLY the left one) is fun?

Look at it this way: he could've sent Lin-Manuel Miranda in character as Alexander Hamilton.