"Thank you for allowing me to speak on my own behalf, Your Honor."
"Thank you for allowing me to speak on my own behalf, Your Honor."
Or you can find a spot that triggers the lightning strikes when you keep walking back to it. Hit the spot, dodge, walk around a bit, come back to the spot, repeat, cry after getting hit on the 80th lightning strike, start over, get close, cry after getting hit on the 134th lightning strike, shatter TV with thrown…
That was the best. I'd keep getting the next attack every 0.12 to 0.20 seconds, until I'd inevitably whiff after about 10 tries and spend 3 seconds wondering what happened and recovering. Ah, good times.
I've never minded spectators, as long as they're not obtrusive or loud; I encountered the worst spectators during my DDR/ITG days (notably, not DDR/ITG players themselves).
No contest (for me): the talk radio stations from recent (meaning 3 and up) Grand Theft Auto games.
Are they all cows? Because yes they are.