Joseph Kasak

Obviously has a neckbeard.

Even Manson used it to his advantage. It's more or less how he controlled the family. That and old school pimpin' techniques. No joke.

Prequels for the loss!

that's Falco. You know. Rock me Amadeus?

This guy thinks The Wire has bad writing? Jealous Prick, yo.

I love how he lists but never defends his positions or tells you why. That thing? I hate that, NEXT!! Hipsters? What are they, I hate those (that's really everyone though)

Fear the peach.

Stannis is written that way. He never gets a POV chapter in the books, either. He IS boring.

You should write backwards. Meaning that start as close to the climax as possible, that is the centerpiece. Work your way back and out and make the details fill in and come together logically. If you try to just start in general and write, at some point you're going to have to hard shift because you wrote yourself

at the end of that battle, everyone was covered in blood so who knows.

Adult Swim is not on Comedy Central, do they own it and I didn't know that, or is this writer just wrong… Like he is about this being a good show.

I love the fact this entire article is saturated with sarcasm.

Nah, just the dark and pointless "life is meaningless, everyone dies and gets nothing" ending. No peace of mind for Walt and Jesse.

STILL not dark enough if he was. Walter would have died much more violently. Uncle Jack would win in a McCarthy situation.

OBAMACARE CREATES ZOMBIES THOUGH… for more, here's Steve Douchey.

Actually, I have no problems with the major players (Starks, Lannister, etc), but some of the side people are just far off.

Great cast if you want actors 10 years older than the characters they play.

There's no need to fear…………. you're dead.

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