Josephine Mama

May The Fries Be Ever In Your Flavor.

Dude, take your stale, tired-ass alt-right horseshit somewhere else. Your Hillary Hard-On has no relevance. Go to bed.

Assange was never needed for the leaks to become public, he was just the easiest venue. Thank the real whistle-blowers and regard them as heroes. Assange is and always will be an egotistical self-promoter.

Why would the US have been pressuring Uruguay about Assange? You know he’s in the Ecuadorian embassy, right?

I’m curious to see how many divisions multinationals move overseas in reaction to this—and that will cause a ripple effect of jobs lost, not just at those companies but also in those they and their employees do business with.

In terms of the tech industry, one of the very 2017 problems is that these companies are global. A lot of these visas go to mid-level transfers (ie, folks from Amazon UK/India/China moving to Amazon US).

Good. This is the boneheaded move we’ve been waiting for. This is the one that will piss off big money companies in tech, in big Agra, in big oil, in big Pharma, etc. All of them rely on a lot of H1B scientists and engineers and THIS is going to make them turn on him.

ok Zayn

I cannot cosign those toes. I was scrolling like ‘girl, nahhhhwhaaattahahahaha’. They are awful.

She might become the Lady Mormont of the family...

Good. Coachella is just the Gathering of the Juggalos with less Faygo.

It seems terribly, terribly appropriate that in our Dump, Brexit world, the only things having a good time are repulsive wads of mucus.

I find it incredibly distracting. I’m also not an asshole though so if someone deaf/hearing impaired needed it on I wouldn’t be upset, I’d just deal with it.

Why? Is it choking her? I need to look at this again.

This girl gets so many free passes and kudos simply because she is attractive. She’s an unethical businesswoman advising an unethical president. He’s using her as a shield while he pulls of his anti-woman antics.

She’s such a snake, and I hate her more and more every day. She might be my least favorite member of this Trumpster fire of a family.

I fucking hate Republicans.

I can accept choices. Doesn’t mean I have to agree with them or can’t still view them as wrong and verbalise that feeling if I choose to.

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women