Joseph Horner

Hope Abigail is in it from 2nd Samuel. I think that would be an interesting storyline to film

Growing up in Idaho I shudder how these movies but especially the second one will treat my homeland

Sign me up. I want to see this scene

Nooooooo! not Suburgatory. Most underrated show of the last three years. Its amazing

I think that host is the guy who hosts Antique Roadshow now. . . .

Tellin ya just need a "small (11 episodes or less), medium (12-20 episodes), Large (21+ episodes) category. Done and done

Another Baker: Maggie Gyllenhall in Stranger than Fiction. But they kind of make fun of it in that one, as some kind of sexual innuendo. Also Ben Stiller in Walter Mitty is a journalist. Come on guys, lots more to this list!

so basically he sounds like every college freshman after their philosophy or world politics classes. Good luck with that.

Dont know what it says about me that I own a lot of the films on this list. I would add a great, underrated Japanese film "nobody Knows" to this list. I own it and have not been able to get myself to put that disc in again. Honest, straightforward, and soul crushing. Give it a watch.…