Joseph Finn

Can someone SHUT UP the woman screaming from the audience?

From an article 20 things you may not know about John Krasinski.

So you’re basing it in a couple of roles? Do you think Keifer Sutherland is a racist Marine? Richard Dreyfuss is a right wing Senator? Alan Rickman a German terrorist?

The CNBC/creepy twins sketch also indulged in one of favorite SNL tics, the random, one-off hostile joke designed to get a laugh during the necessary but tedious introduction/exposition stage of a sketch.

I don’t know about anyone else, but starting with “Centipediatric” and basically through almost the entirety of whatever those creepy twins were doing and the reactions therein — my wife and I hadn’t laughed at SNL like that in quite some time...

*horses whinny “Taps” in the distance*

Catty royals verbally sparring at Christmastime, but with Charles instead of Henry the Second?  The Weasel in Winter? The Gerbil?

In Ohio, people get around parking laws by just abandoning their cars on the street and not moving them for months at a time. Nobody gives a shit about parking their shitty truck in front of your house in the best parking spot and then leaving it there for 10 months while the traffic cops do absolutely nothing about

Why this barely-a-joke struck such an irate chord with readers remains a mystery.

You do NOT move that chair in New England.

I gave up on Judas Goat after that difficult second album.

Really happy that you guys are recommending this. There aren’t really any great Filipino-American films. I think they all suffer from feeling oddly insular, with little awareness of issues that go beyond the community. Lingua Franca tells a story that’s very specific, but places it within a much larger context.

These very prolific writers are often writing multiple series at once, so they aren’t writing one novel a year, but they can’t write so many that they can publish in the same series more than once a year.

“When Will My Life Begin” is on my daughter’s playlist, and it comes up all the time, and I never get annoyed in the slightest. Great song.

Also, keep in mind, both MJ and Aunt May have both been able to figure out when the Chameleon was impersonating Peter in the past.

They should have messed with peoples heads and cast the woman who voices GlaDOS

One of my favorite jokes from Community is Jeff yelling at John Oliver’s character, “OH YEAH? WELL MARGARET THATCHER WAS A BITCH!” and storming off, and John Oliver responding exasperatedly, “Nobody is disputing that!”

Here is what you need to know about Maggie: she sucked hard, and people celebrated when she died.

“I feel like he was never going to win this case”

The UK is notoriously favourable to the injured party in libel cases (so Depp in this case) and NGN admitted the articles did do damage to his reputation so that would’ve likely tipped it by default closer to him. And if his claims were true it realistically should’ve