Joseph Finn

Hey, I’ve had Werewolf beer! It’s pretty OK.

That sounds like short-person propaganda to me.

Because that’s short.

God, that story. Just........yeah.

We are the perfect height, 6'1" buddy.

Duh, yes.

Oh good, a place to talk about our Fantasy Football teams!

Yeah, come aboard!

Me, I blame The Soul Squad.

In exchange for a parade in 2016 that everyone not a White Sox fan loved

Stephen, we had to do the same about a week and a half ago with our beloved Anya and I totally understand how you feel. It’s such a sad thing to let them go but we have to do the right thing for them to spare them the pain.

Hopefully, where he goes from here is joining a party so he can accomplish something in the Senate before he retires in a couple of years.

I’d agree, but we’re talking about Midsommar.  Which is great.

But Midsommar is great.

Why would Pence have a press secretary he supposedly can’t be in the same room with without a chaperone to make sure there’s enough room for the Holy Ghost?

I hate you. Take your filthy star.

The people who are on the 2000 was last night side (i.e., me) can also celebrate the 2007 Patriots, one of only four NFL teams to go undefeated in their season, the first since the 1972 Dolphins and the only team to do it in the expanded season.

Absolutely.  I always remember Sondheim’s take on Webber: “He’s like a hamburger, and sometimes that’s just fine.  Me, I’m a steak.”

She and Him has like five albums, and they’re pretty good.

So best of luck to Warren, the Democrat.