Joseph Finn

This is just the roster of the Bulls, isn’t it?

(Note: Kinja formatting does not show that Ron used four spaces after every period.)

I’m really surprised the NCAA hasn’t cracked down on Oregon’s court.  It makes it really hard to see the Bol Bol for the trees.

My downstairs neighbor practices opera scales in the morning (not too early, as he’s a decent dude) and I gotta admit I sing along a bit. Takes me back to high school choir and it’s fun!

Anything in there about when he might resign, followed by the rest of these parasites?

I know, I know...but god, you’d think the scorer or the refs would say something. But no, the coach is god and no one wants to rock the boat while this asshole assaults children.

That’s an excellent point about where the parents might be.

“If he wanted us to go into a game he would pull our ponytail and drag us to the scorer’s table.

Damn, I was hoping the damage to the trophy was worse and MLB would be inspired to finally replace that embarrassment.

Anyone who talks about “the process” should never be trusted with sharp objects, like sporks.

Milky Way Midnight, but only in the Halloween size.

Oh hell yes; even in the YouTube versions this is great. It’s wonderful to know there’s a restored version now. (The scene with the mirror where the monster confronts Victor is just wonderful 1910 film work.)

Is Rachel not in a costume up there or am I just not getting that look?

No, because Congressman Palin is competent.

Mr. Malone, the evil spirit was whomever did your terrible tattoos.

It’s incredibly easy to argue with their lazy, “it doesn’t really affect me” reasons.

She should see the rest.  It’s quite good and far better than that 1970s version.

I have a Google Alert for my name and the last year was weird as hell because instead of the usual stuff about a Connecticut auction house or the fire chief of was a really nasty and tragic story about a couple in Iowa who essentially let their 16-year-old daughter starve to death.  After a while, I just

Y’all have focused on the important stuff in this, so I just want to focus on something that really struck me: what the fuck is up with that title? The Fifth Boro?  What nonsense is this?

Cape May should be higher than Avalon; Cape May at least has some fun to it and has a bookstore.