Joseph Finn

I hope it's not insulting to Mr. Ulrich to note that I enjoyed this a lot more than I would have expected. And hey, I'm glad he knows there are fans of RIDE WITH THE DEVIL out there; that's a really interesting look at a weird corner of our Civil War.

I was so annoyed that she didn't get that right.

"Fuck you, Poe."

I was unreasonably happy to see Lupita N'Yongo in there. No, wait, completely reasonable happy because she's a ton of fun in Force Awakens.

"Is it the N word?"

Reese Witherspoon ?!? indeed! Marisa Tomei at least made some sort of sense (though she would have been 7 at the time. Reese isn't born for another 5 years.

Right, hence why All Access has a Roku app, as I said.

Yep, that's what I said.

Man, Delta. I always think of them as a Georgia-area airline and forget they started in Dallas.

Surprise! It was me!

Yep. Also PS4, XBox, Fire, iOS and Android.

All Access does have a Roku and Apple TV app.

But that'll electrocute the hamster in there.

Eh, DTV has worked fine for me for years.

I can't find it in the TV Guide!

So what channel is All Access on my DIRECTV?

Scanning around the version on YT, I was amazed to see a shot that starts *showing the ceiling and all the holes and exposed wiring* that then pans down to the actors. Just amazing.

Poor Buckley!

Oh good, Erinn Hayes has escaped for something good, hopefully.

Oh my GOD, I never made that connection.