Joseph Finn

Well, if we're going to stop immigration from Bajor…

Into it. Also, the teaser with Stormare as Chernborg? REALLY into that.

What about Major Kira?

If nothing else, Garry Marshall brought is several good Elizondo performances.

Richard Crenna's damn good in that.

A friend of mine pointed out that what's great about the scene is that Marshal is bending over backwards to accommodate this schlub; he could have just tossed him out immediately.

Damn straight.

There's a story in Brandon Tartikoff's really entertaining autobiography about an SNL sketch where Tom Hanks was hosting a game show, "Jew Or Not A Jew," where Tartikoff's mother calls him the next day and gives him the business for it. She ends her long rant about this was terrible and how could you do it as a good

And hell, I started thinking during it that maybe I need to finally watch Vampire Diaries. Dobrev does some good work in it.

Shit, I still think of him as "ER's Donal Logue."

Incidentally, Akerman is very good in last year's The Final Girls. As a meta slasher comedy it's not top level, but the relationship parts of it work a hell of a lot better than I expected.

Yeah, that caught my eye as well. Seemed a weird thing to note.

Hot damn, that's a great Mike Nichols story.

We can totally agree on the overexposure problem, like that one or two seasons when Wiig, bless her heart, was their only a-game in the women cast and they relied on her far too much.

Jesus, Mango. There's a good example there of a terrible character. Perhaps not as terrible as Goat Boy, but up there.

See, there's where we diverge. I can't think of a good Chris Kattan character.

Depends. Are we counting Real Life and Cabin Boy?

Kattan has to be in that conversation.

Huh, I could have mocked, but ABC does have a Roku channel so I'll give it a whirl.

Well, it was nice while it lasted.