Joseph Finn

I did not know this was a thing that existed! Thank you very much, as I do indeed love His Girl Friday.

Amazingly, my local library has copies of Om Shanti Om! Grabbing that today since it looks up my alley. The director was also involved in one of my favorite movies, Monsoon Wedding, so I'm very hopeful for it. Thanks, Caitlin!

I noticed her during the Tonys on Sunday and had to look her up because I wasn't sure. Good for her!

Seriously, because I don't want a Taystee-lite season. Same goes for SeSo, who's in Waitress.

Good god. This sounds almost as bad as Zoolander.

For fuck sake, there's an entire John Adams opera about it.

Funny, Muth is also in Hannibal.

He's never satisfied.

Hot damn, that sand office.

Because it has nothing to do with the subject at hand: guns.

That bit about the theater steps for the HBO auditions is such a great detail.

The guy behind Danny Burstein getting more and more "wow" through all six L&O roles was pretty great.

You're seriously going to try and argue that the inherent function, by design, of a gun isn't to kill people with? Nice try.

Ah, the "it's too hard so we should never try! argument." Bullshit. Plenty of responsible countries have accomplished it and we can too as long as we don't listen to people with no imagination.

Cars inherent use isn't to kill people.

Here's a bow and arrow.

I can dismiss people who somehow think gun confiscation is a bad thing, yes. They're 2nd Amendment weirdos.

You've heard of things called laws, right? That's how. Don't pretend a reasonable solution is somehow childish because you don't agree with it.

Guns have no other purpose than to kill people with.