Oh. Joy.
Oh. Joy.
Sure, there's plenty of discussion of him (and oh, are there discussions; my memory has it on the level of the huge stretches of whaling description in Moby Dick or the Waterloo and convent histories in Les Miserables), but Jesus actually ahows up only…twice? The water scene in Nazareth and the sermon on the Mount, I…
I….would so watch that. I love the Pilate sections of MandM.
Which amusingly actually showed up in the Noah movie.
". Producers want this adaptation of the book Ben-Hur: A Tale Of Christ to focus as intently as Jesus as possible, "
Hey good, a reminder to subscribe.
Exactly. I know you moderators have to be objective if possible, but that doesn't mean you can't be properly insulted by Scott in this.
Watching Crist keep his cool (heh) up there and look like the lone adult in the situation was pretty much the best thing.
Oh…wow. That's kind of beautiful.
Is it wrong to kind of want a Royals beating the Cardinals World Series just to see Rudd and John Hamm good naturedly go at it?
Your quite welcome; the woman playing the grandmother is also excellent.
A damn shame. I'll add that she's also excellent in an under appreciated movie she did with America Ferrera, "How The Garcia Girls Spent Their Summer."
Just read about #fangate
Jeremy seems like has a bit of a jerk streak that doesn't allow apologies.
The only thing that could have made this more satisfying? If Drew had lost the flint on the way back to camp after the reward challenge. That would have been awesome.
Especially that music is playing in it. *shudder*
It's so good, it anticipates a Bond gag!
I'm right there with you. She was good at the start, but her growth has been phenomenal and her work in the last year has been top notch. (Street harassment, the ocean shipping story and so on.)
I've had Goodbye To Berlin on my TBR list for years, ever since I read about it in one of the Goldstone couples books about book collecting. Sounds like something that's right up my alley.