Joseph Chastain

The actors suggested the pillow fight. The day shots were LA county law not Effie and the Roller Skates were also not because of Effie but the owner of the house. I don't like Effie either, but at least argue against her with things that are actually her fault.

She lied about the stunt. Can't support her to ever be craft services on a film after that incident. Hope she never so much as eats cheese whiz in Hollywood again.

No she didn't. She told Jason it would be done his way. Watch the episode again if you don't believe me. I saw it and rewound it at that point to make sure.

She even told Jason that it could be done his way. (I saw the episode twice and watched it the second time just to see that, she did indeed say it would be done his way) she's a liar.

I think digital is a superior way to shoot TV shows over film. There I said it. I think Jason is good at working with actors though.

After rewatching the episode I cannot understand how anyone can like Effie at all anymore (and of course I still hate Jason) Effie clearly said to Jason "I figured out a way to do the stunt the way YOU WANT TO" not CLOSE TO THE WAY YOU WANT TO the way YOU WANT TO. She then lied to Jason and the HBO exec and told them

Exactly! In 99% of the filmmaking world a car flip IS out of the question. A car flip is HARD AS HELL to do. For a $3 Million film a car flip in a car that expensive IS out of the question almost always.

No the director is not "supposed to get what he wants" as someone who's worked in film I can tell you: the whole thing is a compromise.

That's about the only thing I admire about her.

She also constantly refers to the movie the cast and crew as HERS and throws her weight around. She laughed when Farrelly quit and said "that's awesome" (after she clearly overreacted to what he was doing and CAUSED him to quit)and said "that's awesome" and tried to get Marc to say negative things about her. She's

Alien Jesus has worked on films, as have I. In films being a team player is one of the most important attributes of a producer. It's just as important as anything else in fact, if not more. Effie is a bitch, and has pissed off everyone she works with. Jason will probably not work on many more films, certainly not as a

On a movie set it is EVERYONE'S job to be a team player and get the movie made. While I disagree that she's the worst team played even on this film (Jason is far worse) she is pretty bad too. Neither one of those unprofessional idiots would ever be hired by me if I were an EP on a film.

Nobody wants Jason to "roll over and play dead" they want him to compromise, big difference.

Most people in Beverly Hills know people at that level or ARE at that level, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon aren't impressive to them.

I think it's worth it to go to film school because you make connections and get to make short films (usually) while going there. Everyone's journey is different though.

And Poltergeist. And Gone With The Wind. American History X. Possibly Star Wars. Donnie Darko. Original cut of Blade Runner. Every Harry Potter film. Every Orson Welles film besides Citizen Kane. Should I keep going?

This movie is going to be one of the shittiest movies "we get."

I thought the same thing.

She meant he never had a job in the film industry I think.

Buying equipment is pretty freaking irrelevant. A billion people but equipment and call themselves filmmakers and don't do a thing with them.