
You can do this, Google it up. It’s under system, backup, etc something along those lines. Backs up everything... I just did it a few weeks ago when I installed a 2tb Samsung drive, transferred everything to a 500gb external drive, then into the new one once it was in.

I made a mistake in the state (because Kansas City is not in Kansas) and want to let everyone know that if there’s a Dearborn in Kansas, the residents don’t deserve the criticism.

Screen cap reads “DONG BEACH GRAND PRIX” to me.

I would not classify the second goal as “bungling over” or scruffy, it was a quality goal made possible by Barry Allen Bellerin.

Here is a picture of little-remembered 80s pop star Stacey Q.

If he’s on your team, he won’t injure your players? At least not during a game?

Ford Probe. Full stop.


I clicked through to the L.A. Times article, and here’s what Mattingly thought

yes we did.

and don’t call me Shirley.

Ronda was all out of bubblegum

Now playing

Wherever you go when you die, I want to think that Rowdy Roddy Piper walked in like this:

some time in the mid-90s I fell out of my bunk bed and hit my head. My parents took me to the ER, and the doctors asked me various questions to determine my mental status. One of them was “Who’s in charge at the White House?” I deadpanned “Hillary” and had the whole ER laughing. I was seven or eight.

Fuck you.