
Okay, seriously, this is a Bioware game?

I was really hoping it wouldn’t be another Destiny/Warframe wannabe. Screw multiplayer co-op stuff. I want single player RPG’s. I want some Bioware in my Bioware games!

I’m not sure about this grimdark remake of Coming To America.

“I know what you’re thinking: What is a place like this doing in a girl like me?”

I was gonna say it’s nice to see a filmmaker not blame a failure on critics, but he does, even going so far as saying the audience in general “didn’t get it”.

It’s time the Avengers got legal representation.

So uh, when can those of us that aren’t into multiplayer games get a really cool single player story driven game about these characters? It feels like such a shame to build up such a world and characters and just have them randomly kill each other over and over for no reason.

In before the homophobes come in complaining about why this is such a big deal or the gay agenda or being PC is being shoved down on throats etc....

i’ve never played this game but i really like this game.

I hated that story with a passion because of just that. For Earth to be this xenophobic pit meant that basically all he and the Justice League and everyone else had fought for amounted to nothing. And all so Johns could do “X-Men in the 30th Century.” I can count the good things about the New 52 on one hand, but being

I disagree entirely. For the talented and imaginative continuity is a giant toybox to the play with. Mark Waid, Roger Stern, Gail Simone even Mr. Gumpy Pants himself, Alan Moore have made tremendous use of it because they so clearly enjoy tying their new stories to the old. For the limited like Bendis, Bryne and Johns

I don’t agree but I respect your opinion. Also I ma probably older and grew up with the movie. The most important thing the movie did was Make Clark Kent the main character. This gets over looked a lot.

One of the problems I have with Johns is his devotion to Donner (the insistence on making the wonderful but flawed film a part of regular DC continuity every chance he gets), but at the same I wonder how he sits in a room with Zack Snyder with anything less than murder in his eyes.

Of all guys to do this to, CD Projekt Red doesn’t seem like the best choice. The world seems majorly endeared to these guys and this bullshit probably won’t be tolerated by the Internet Hive Mind.

Someone actually got paid to write this article?

Sounds like they know what went wrong and could easily remedy that next time around, but instead are possibly giving up. I’m really enjoying Andromeda.

If they cast Ein with anything other than a Pembroke Welsh Corgi.. so. Help. Me.....grrrrr

So they’re making Firefly with Jazz... Personally I’d have prefered Netflix to produce some in house Cowboy Beebop now that they’re getting into anime.

Consider it made so...and I guess he likes to watch.