
Okay, I know I’m about to get it full bore right now but, “magical rape” are not the words I’d use for this. A woman tricks a guy into to sleeping with her under false pretenses, not forcibly, nor under coercion, but, and follow me here, by masquerading as something appealing describes normal sexual relations. I mean

This is like eating a mediocre chicken sandwich at a restaurant and then demanding you also be allowed to eat the beaks and feathers.

CD Projekt Red is the development wing of CD Projekt, the owners and operators of GOG. They’re the fifth largest game company in the West. There is essentially zero chance of them being bought out.

What part of the word “temporary” are you having trouble understanding? This isn’t over at all.

This is a good move but it really should be a permanent one. This is a full priced game with a season pass. Applying a free to play model to the game is outrageous. I hope, however, that this sends a message that his loot box crap won’t fly. I doubt it, though. EA will just reinstate it and publishers will keep trying

The child in each trio is infected with Joker toxin before the Joker shoots both of the adults in the head, an experience meant to imbue the child with “the best” parts of the Joker and Batman.

I am looking forwarded to your unfounded cynicism being proven wrong.

I’d be down with some Kinghts of the Old Republic prequels

Old Man here 100% disagreeing with you. I am pumped for some new stories in Star Wars that aren’t prequels and aren’t part of the Skywalker Saga.

In its current form, it was shaping up to be a story-based, linear adventure game. Throughout the development process, we have been testing the game concept with players, listening to the feedback about what and how they want to play, and closely tracking fundamental shifts in the marketplace. It has become clear

sounds a lot like they want to make it more like destiny and less like uncharted

I don’t think anyone hates the idea of Flashpoint, just that the show handled what is a landmark top 5-10 comic book arc like it meant nothing.

Killer Frost was the best part of last night’s episode. Girl got a PHD in mixology, bio-engineering, filling out bartender jeans, kicking ass, and all the ice puns a guy could want!

By the character ability descriptions she sounds like she’d play like a Tank Support hybrid. A little bit of an inverted Zarya with the bubbles and a dash of Lucio with the healing drone. She doesn’t look like a tank, but man a sleeper tank character would be super cool. Plus she’s adorable.

That woman is going to have a job in the industry. And fast.

As many here surmised, Wonder Woman has become the “Iron Man” of the DCCU.

Thanks! Some decent people I trust to give honest reviews actually liked the pilot. That gives me a tiny bit of hope at least the first few episodes will be good.