
Eat dick, Snyder was not the issue with the previous movies. He is a good director if he has a good script to work with - BvS’ issues were mostly script-related. Stop trying to make him into some asshole who is single-handedly destroying DC movies. And Whedon is not perfect either - refer to Age of Ultron and pray

When you say “Fallout-style” do you mean “Fallout-style” or do you mean “Bethesda Open World Game-style”? Because... that new XCOM-style game about the world being covered in some creepy fog that freaky mutant monsters emerge from is pretty Lovecraftian. What was it called... phoenix something?

Also, there’s Secret

I am stil a season late on Arrow, but I’ll say this - even when the show isn’t great, Stephen Amell always looks like he loves his role and show to bits. Maybe people who are more versed in the behind-the-scenes of Arrows can prove me wrong - maybe he is a Shatner-level prick on set - but I always get the impression

Between wrestling and doing this and that karaoke video, I think Stephen Amell might actually be just a pretty cool guy

Wearing my geek pride here. I loved the fact that Lynda Carter married the head of Zenimax and that she graciously lent her voice to the Elder Scrolls series since the Morrowind days. So. Damn. Awesome!

Lynda Carter is 65 years old.

Can I just say that I’m really looking forward to stabbing and face shooting American terrorists and religious fanatics for a change? This feels like it’ll be arefreshing and much needed change to the formula.

Sorry, Men in Tights and Dead and Loving It are both hilarious.

Mel Brooks, if you are reading this, this commenter does not represent me or my interests.

I don’t care how tempting it is to be snarky about this. Internet, don’t. This is fucking tragic in every sense of the word. At most I can say that I wish Whedon luck, as I’m sure picking up this far along is no easy task. If anyone can, it’s certainly him.

Don’t even think about making that comment. Don’t.

I seem to remember him praising Genisys, so I’m not sure this is good news. Also, can we just move past Arnold? The best Terminator property of the last 15 years was Sarah Connor Chronicles, which was excellent without him.

Still no match for:

If ever a post deserved a Wonder Woman twirling gif, it is this one.

There were positive “reactions” from fans/non-critics, but the critical social media reaction was instantaneously abysmal.

Surprise, a Dark Crystal Prequel Series Is Coming to Netflix!

I agree that Clark would never choose another superhuman because he sees himself as human. Also, love badass Lois. Love the old 40's cartoon where she’d lie to Clark then fly her own damn plane to track down the bad guy. She was truly badass ironically in a time when it was even less socially appropriate.

MANY things about the new 52 didnt sit right.

I haven’t seen this episode yet, but I’ve never got the love for Cat Grant. Like Wynn, she started terrible, but significantly improved. She wasn’t bad in the later part of the season, but she wasn’t IMO the lynchpin you think she was. Season 2 has problems, but I don’t see how any of them would be fixed with Cat

On the other hand, though, cancelling the only mainstream comic book featuring an all-black team of heroes just weeks after Marvel’s VP of sales blamed the company’s drop in profit on books featuring women and characters of color is the definition of a bad look.