
Me. I missed it all season long!

No. Heads will roll, blame will be assigned everywhere except where it belongs and they’ll keep on trying. It’s like Young Adult Sci-Fi/Fantasy adaptations. No matter how many fail, they all think they’re going to get their Harry Potter of Hunger games. The smell of money always covers the stench of failure.

It just ends up being like every other relationship

This isn’t actually that new. Bioware did nearly the exact same thing following Dragon Age 2. They put the franchise on ice for a little bit, got some distance, studied the data and fan reaction and learned. When they came back to it in Inquisition it was a much better game all around. Mass Effect certainly isn’t

The writers continually diminished her role in the show, gave her fewer plots, and nerfed her from police lieutenant to distressed damsel. Ichabod kept getting new love interest that never really worked on the show, but the writers kept trying at the expense of her character’s screen time.

It would make a lot of sense to make that kind of change given what they say and what their goals likely are. Otherwise, it’s really weird to talk about hubs that already exist, and there’s no real way to emphasize single-player when there’s hundreds (maybe I’m being too generous: a dozen) of other Chosen Ones killing

Right? This is the only question I’ve had during this whole revamp. Make it more accessible to single players, change the miserable crafting system, and let me play it from my couch on my big screen. I’ll buy it again in a flash for the PS4.

Judging by the video, my impression is that the biggest change would be instead of it being an open world MMORPG, they’ve turned it into the same game but you only see other players in fixed, central hubs like the tree place (I haven’t played much) and not in the open world anymore unless you’re partied with them.

I thought their portrayal was golden

Thank you! He’s got great passion and of course an amazing visual sense. But his sense of storytelling is so bad you realize David Goyer’s script was what made Blade 2 work, not him. And given how Blade Trinity sucked with Goyer in the director’s chair, that’s saying something.

Huh. Really? I actually think this makes a ton of sense. I always felt the Del Toro take skewed a little young. I don’t think it should get curse laden or be all sexy, but I could see an almost Kingsmen type approach to violence (that sort of gore I guess) mixed with more intense thriller drama like The Descent. Could

Our shields can’t repel meta of that magnitude!!!

Despite the rights issues, does anyone else want to see Media acting through Agent Scully?

Alright internet. Please explain to me when a boner is just a boner vs a raging boner.

I, obviously, can’t speak for everyone, but I was on tenterhooks throughout. Perhaps its because I’m willingly not reading the book in order to see this “fresh” for the first time, but I enjoyed every minute.

Wonder Woman goes off to Man’s world to try to quell WW1, finds out it’s being agitated secretly by Ares, fights Ares.

My first thought was she looked somewhere between Aisha Tyler and Keri Washington.

Poor Serinda Swan. It’s not often you can say Smallville treated you better, but when they made her Zatanna they hit the nail on the head.