
OK so the empire employs women, aliens, apparently banned slavery between the prequels and A New Hope and banned a weird religion which takes children away from their parents and fucked up a war that helped end the Old Republic... why are they the bad guys again?

Single player is whatever?! It’s the reason to buy a game. Multiplayer in FPS games looks exactly the same game after game...the only thing that changes are skins....Oooo i have storm trooper....Ooo i have a german....Ooo I have the masterchief....Ooo i have a gun with bullets....Ooo I have a blaster with not

Also, it looks good. So basically nobody cares about what the last game didnt do, as long as the new one does. It might be incredibly epic. Try not to shit on everything you see in your life. People work hard to create something you will like. Keyboard warrior.

Whatever other criticisms you can make of the Battlefront reboot, the aesthetics are absolutely amazing.

Lighten up Francis. The highly uncertain world of game development has never been compatible with quarterly revenue goals or cross-media marketing. DICE did what they could with a shitty situation - release with The Force Awakens (after the prequels, not at all a sure thing) by any means necessary. I don’t blame DICE

This is awesome! I’m one of the weirdos who prefer the single player experience.

Love the trailer, love the concept. I really hope she doesn’t have some kind of change of heart by the end of the story, realizes the Empire was evil all along yadda yadda. KILL THOSE REBELS!

There have been legitimate issues with their “breather” and filler episodes, as well as underusing or poorly defining characters at times, but really, Rebels established itself as a show willing to commit to its premise and conflict especially in the back half of each season from the beginning. So they hit the right

Hopefully in a more serious animated show.

That will NEVER stop being funny!

Pacific Rim struggles to get a sequel but Transformers has 6 goddamn movies? Fuck American filmgoers.

I am a librarian... all attractive Librarian women near me dress like attractive women Librarians. STFU

Except the campaign of the original Battlefront 2 (man is that weird to say) following the troopers of the 501st was pretty freaking fantastic, so never write such things off too quickly.

Yes, that’s one of the reasons. The 286th reason, actually. I appreciate your acknowledgement of my properly placed priorities, but my name isn’t Mac.

Another lesson: Don’t have children.

Reason #286 that I’ll never have children.

Peter Parker needed a friend who wasn’t Harry Osborn. That’s why he’s there.

The update allows you to skip the travel sequences in space. Though those landing and takeoff cutscenes are effectively the loading screens for the zones. Though I wish the ship would not take off when all I want to do is check my damn e-mail. Take off when I go to the galaxy map, not when I board the ship.

It does my heart good being able to post my favorite Hentai Woody pic.