
Yeah, that was the thing for me. Not only are they all great pop songs with awesome period-appropriate arrangements, but they all work so perfectly well with the plot and themes.

Sums it up nicely. There is clearly a change in her body mass since Season 1, and not in a positive direction. Those red pants are a Kenzi trademark, and she's not filling them out the way she did in the early days of the show. I realize she's an ex-ballerina, but she just seems dangerously thin in recent episodes.

It's not something I wanted to bring up in the recap itself, but it is to the point where I'm a bit worried about her health.

One thing I took away from this episode is that someone needs to get Ksenia Solo to eat a burger every now and then. She's always been petite, but the girl is looking borderline anorexic this season.

It appeals to me to.... in my pants. WAAAAAH! Have a great weekend everybody!