
Pretty decent, actually. It's one of the few things they've done really well since the start. Characters and stories from the show will overlap and tie into the game via events that pretty much play like Side Missions. It's always a little rad to see Nolan, Irisa, and other characters like Stahma (all voiced by their

You know what would get me excited? Finding out that their scrapping the MMO and either turning it into a truly single player experience on PC and Console (I know, I know. Pipedream) or that their scrapping the MMO and shifting to a true sequel to KOTOR.

What's strange in that regard though is that the first FF games (I'd like to say from FF2 right up to FF7) were pretty straight forward with both their story and characters regardless of the genre/setting.

Negative. All the FF titles are, pretty much, standalone. Some have had sequels (FFX had FFX-2 and the last FF had three sequels) But each game is it's own universe with the exception of famous character names that get reused, i.e. Cid, Luna, etc.

The only mistake with KH was that they tied in some pretty important story elements into the two side titles for portable, e.g. Chain of Memories and...was it Birth By Sleep? I forget. But I once had someone explain that those two smaller titles answered a ton of questions left somewhat ambiguous in KH 1 and 2.

Well, I'll admit. I'm not big fan of Final Fantasy titles. With the exception of some of the earlier iterations, e.g. FF3 and FF7, I've found almost all of the games, especially the most recent ones, to have completely baffling if not absolutely nonsensical plots and terrible dialog. However! This game is one of the

Say huh? How did this FF title end up in development hell for so long, meanwhile they've released, like, three sequels to FF 13 or whatever as well as other games tied to the FF license. Oh, not to mention the massive overhaul of the MMO.

I find most of what she says to bullcrap inflamist garbage, but come the (bleep) on. If you honestly feel that anything she does or says justifies threatening her or going the route of the religious extremist than I can only hope that your bomb blows up in your face killing you and no one else thereby ridding the

Don't bother with logic and clear explanation. Some folks just like riding the hate bandwagon.

Yes. Yes to this in a big way! Halo as done in the same RPG fashion as a BioWare RPG? Yes.

Really have no interest in most of the other books (I don't need to see yet another "different" version of Superman. The classic blue boy scout is enough, thanks) but damn if that Pulp-SciFi take on Savage, Doc Fate, and the Blackhawks doesn't look brilliant. Really taken by the artwork as well. While I'm not

I know some proponents are ardently against it, but if they do move forward with an HD Collection I say bring it to *all* the consoles if possible. PS4, XboxOne, and WiiU. While it certainly had it's flaws I thought Xenosaga was brilliant and I'd love the chance to play it (and the other titles) again on a next-gen

I feel I have to try to defend this film in some small ways. First, this was never really intended to be released as a major "film", rather this take on Heavenly Sword was intended to be a kind of pitch to Sony by the animation studio which created it in order to prove they could take a popular game IP and give it the

So, basically, they're doing what Disney Lucasfilm did with the expanded universe by changing all the previous comics, books, games and so forth to a 'Legends' banner that essentially proclaims that "Oh, these are just like stories and myths. But the *real* canon starts here..."

Aw, come on. How can anyone have anything bad to say about this? It's Sci-Fi *and* Peter Dinklage as, basically, a dude Cortana! Win/Win (^^)

This looks so damn cool. The concept is neat and the game looks stunning. Only downside is no apparent plans to bring it to Next-Gen (unless I missed something). No this isn't me decrying PC gamers in any way (just to throw that out there) and I'm glad PC is getting such a cool game. But, yeah, as someone who doesn't

Merida's hair is *too* fabulous for any simple game engine to render (^^)

When the figures first release they are often part of sets (though not always), however the figures always release in individual packs eventually. In some cases right away if the characters are especially popular. Frozen's Elsa and Anna released both in starter sets, combo pack, and stand alones packs all in the same

Going to admit that I don't play Infinities. Just not of interest. However I'm also going to admit that I do buy the figures regardless (I take some solace in knowing it's actually kind of common). Some of them are, well, quite awesomely done.