
Ha! Knew that exact thought popped into almost everyone who saw the box art, right along with 'Wonder how long until someone's going to make a stink about the character being in armor...' (^^)

Easily the best episode, and the first where my dialogs choices and story progression choices really felt like they were difficult. Which is both good and bad when you count the stress factor. Still, pretty exceptional execution.

The Votans (the non-human races) have been living on Earth for near on 40 years. In that time they attempted to integrate into Earth society in the hopes of living in peace. It didn't work. Cue a long war and the Ark Fall/Terraforming event. After the 'Battle of Defiance' ended the War those aliens who chose to live

I like it. Outfit is perfect on the details and the Cosplay Model is sexy without being over the top. Die-Hards fanboys of the Dini and Timm Harley will, of course, likely poo on this. But I think the modern Harley, both from the Arkham Series and the New52, are really great modern reimaginings that, visually, are

New Harley and her series are one of the few pluses of the New52. I like that she has elements of the old Harley while sprinkling in a dose of Deadpool like crazy that better explains what happens to a brilliant mind that gets influenced, warped, and twisted by the Joker. You'd have to be *this* crazy to follow him

Yeah, because her cartwheeling around in a onesie leotard was so much better. Take off the rose colored glasses dude. I loved Timm and Dini's BMTAS Harley just like every other 90's kid. But the Arkham Harley outfit and, hell, even the New 52 Harley ensemble are solid updates of the character's look for the current

Yeah...after playing through Infinite and all of Burial At Sea I can't help but wish Ken Levine burns in a special place in Hell. But I'm sure that's just my opinion (-.-)

Now *that's* a version of Infinite I would have loved a hell of a lot more than what we got. Hopefully it would have also had a far less bullshit ending for it's main game and DLC. Also, obviously, incredible Cosplay.

I'm not gonna say I'm excited for Star Wars under EA again...but I'm kinda excited for Star Wars under EA again (^^)

Wow, considering how much I love their new character Jinx I should be pretty ashamed of myself. Also, does the artist who drew the above have a name, DeviantArt page, etc?

Apparently I've been living in a cave, but who is this girl and what's this from? And *amazing* art. Link/Source?

Man, I hope so. The naysayers can gripe all they like, but I enjoyed every aspect of Diablo 3 (minus the Auction House...) and especially the story/writing. Leah was a fantastic character (hat's off to the always amazing Jen Hale) and her fate literally drove me to nerd rage when it just kind of ended with her being

The game, and it's pointlessly grim climax which effectively negates the meaningful existence and experiences of Elizabeth, feels essentially like Levine taking his toys and leaving the Sandbox because he didn't want other people to play with them because they either weren't playing the way he wanted or weren't

(Though it would be even better with beards)

PC Gamers. I now kind of Hate You All...

Genuinely excited about this, especially since I enjoyed Borderlands' story and characters more than the FPS gunplay. Just hope Telltale hasn't piled too much on their plate for the sake of trying to make a profit for their still, relatively, small company.

Disgustingly adorable, but this pretty much says everything I want to say about all the information in this article and the new game's reveal in general. 'nuff said.

At this point Rocksteady could deliver crap and it would *still* be better than Origins. Which isn't me being all righteous. Words can not describe how depressed I am at all the things Origins just failed at, not the least of which is WB's blatant, "Oh, those bugs? Deal with 'em." mind set.

With respect, I have to say Marvel isn't doing itself any favors with AoS. When compared to *any* of the Marvel films it's dull, often looks like crap (with the exception of the Plane), and more than one actor on the show constantly delivers sub-par performances that make me care little to nothing for the characters I

It's a musical number set to Burial At Sea. That's all I'll say other than the song Zone chose to set the scene and animation to is *perfect* for the Rapture period setting. You really do need to give it one full go. I can't stress it enough.