
As I understand it, Ragnar Tornquist wrote several content scripts which comprised pretty much everything you played which contained the aforementioned fantastic characters (Kristen Geary FTW!). However, when things got...funky behind the scenes and he left, Ragnar took, really, the heart and soul of the story writing

Minus the somewhat steep learning curve, it is a pretty damn exceptional game which, on top of being absolutely stunning if you have even a moderately decent Rig (Seriously. It's like Porn for Space/Sci Fi Geeks) has a really rather outstanding community of players that go far beyond anything I've seen in other MMOs

Uh, no. If you've watched their performance videos, the more advanced students could pretty much give Ray Park (Maul) a run for his money in regards to performance and speed. So beating the dead horse which is that really old gif joke isn't even remotely accurate (-.-)'re a Fake Space Combat Purist with rose colored glasses and tunnel vision (^^)

How is this really news? These "freemium" mobile and Facebook games have been abortions to gaming (especially where EA is concerned...) for years now. Honestly, next to publishers/studios fisting in Multiplayer where it isn't needed, there isn't a bigger detriment to resources being taken away from full games than

All the complaints (Mostly warranted...) and meanwhile Michael Bay will make another billion dollars. So yeah, right, really meaningful dialog here folks (^^)

(*Weaps*) Waaaaaaant it!

Sounds like thats your hardware, not the game. Episode 1 wasn't laggy for me in the slightest, nor did it adversely effect my console and I downloaded it the first day of release. Game is a favorite at my workplace and I've not heard anyone comment that it caused them issues of any kind. So...yeah, sorry your console

Christ, next time just make an open world RPG with a lot of DLC/expansions. The Secret World would have been far more successful with no need for Insider...whatever shenanigans. From what I've seen of it in gameplay, could have been something really great and profitable for Funcom.

It looks great (and Beta shows a "Warcraft/TOR, but with more fun" game style), but I'm in the camp of those who wish MMOs would just go away.

So excited for this. Was never a fan of TWD game and really don't see the appeal or excitement being thrown at it's "Second Season." For me, TWAU is everything I love about Telltale's brilliant writing and animation (and, yes, I recognize that TWD's success made it possible) brought to a graphic novel series that is

Have you even been paying attention to this new venture at all? First, Disney doesn't have to do anything Lucas wants. While both Kathleen Kennedy and J.J. Abrams have said they will try to respect what George planned out for episode's 7, 8, and 9, Disney has complete carte blanche to do whatever they wish with both

Given that Han (Ford) will be the same age? That doesn't matter. When you have a character as popular to the OT fans as Boba? Disney will make it work. Wouldn't make sense not to, especially given that he's not an EU character.

Guaranteed this is one of the things they will take from the EU and make Canon for the new trilogy.

Only painful aspect to this amazing art is that, under the Disney banner (and with said House of the Mouse taking back control of all the various SW Licenses) there's almost literally no change of ever see another KOTOR or anything even remotely resembling 1313. To Disney, Star Wars must become the ultimate family

Laughed loud and hard, instantly felt like a terrible person. Damn you, sir (-.-)

People keep making the argument that "The game is about interacting with people..." Right. So, by that you mean "interacting with a percentage of the population that seems to enjoy torturing each other?" Sure, let me throw my hard earned money at that. What-The-Fuck? O.o

"Purty. Me buy..." (*Throws Money*)

If your sister feels she gets treated like dirt, I'm sorry. But don't generlize. I'm a Time Warner customer, and in all the years I've been with them I've never been treated poorly. Quick customer service that never requires me to speak with someone in India or distantly abroad, quick home repair services that I'm

But, what happens when you have large patches to download, even for single player games? Large expansions, other DLC and so forth? None of which is tied to MP or online Co-Op? This issue would still effect you. So, really, not any silver lining to this. MP Gamers, MMO Gamers, or Single Players Gamers, the loss of Net