@Jbluez: iPads enable you to post up that picture, or edit it. iPads are more portable than cameras.
@Jbluez: iPads enable you to post up that picture, or edit it. iPads are more portable than cameras.
@Duuuuuuude: You don't have to buy anything.
Those are some hard to swallow rumors.
@nostrils: Good to hear. I'm very satisfied with my Aquos, and was shocked to see how little power it drew, but I've always liked the way the plasmas looked. When it comes time to get a new one, maybe I'll give plasmas a second look.
Why don't they just print out five stars on the sticker, then you hold it up to the star that corresponds to the rating you'd like to give the place?
This....looks more and more like the Matrix sequels every clip I see.
@victor7: Christ. No matter what amazing thing people do, there's always someone to shit on them, huh?
@sassafras_: This issue seems to be more complicated than I thought. I had a friend who purchased an enormous plasma, and his electricity bill skyrocketed. He was having to cool his house and run that 65" tv. Seriously, the temperature in the room went up by 10 degrees every time we would watch it.
@oanda: utilities included in the rent? Nice!
@nostrils: Those $200 in savings go right out the window in electricity costs, that's my reason.
@Not OMG! Ponies!: ...so? I don't understand your point.
@jepzilla: Government is there to serve the people, not the other way around.
@truthtellah: What?! Jesus didn't have a christmas tree when he was born 2010 years ago on December 25th? I have never heard that before!
It's a media grab, and she should be ashamed of herself.
@fbales: Or it's not the way to engage in a scientific discorse.
@zjgz: Available does not mean purchased.
@Berkeley: BOBBY ROSS
Has anybody mentioned Office Spa-
@Berkeley: oh god.
@humanbeansrock: It wouldn't be possible to simply update the firmware of your hd20 unless it somehow contained a transmitter for the shutter glasses.