@pmindemann: -1
@leadingZer0: My Super Soaker still works to this day. I guess our two data points cancel each other out.
@Xeno: Or skip the wheels and use it in the electrical system.
@baglunch: Well, first of all what the hell are you talking about?
@Beavertank: I cannot believe only one person actually understood what the man was trying to say.
@The Intern: hehe
@DonLuc: ...and writing for a living. Hey Gizmodo writers! I know you guys have provided entertainment and information for years for me for free, but you guys are moochers! Give it up. Go work at a railroad or loading dock or join the army or something! You're not providing physical labor!
@The Squid: He...good god. He works. He mentions it several times in the article. He wrote this article himself.
@Charl0: He has a job. Several.
@blyan-reloaded: Fifthed.
@spiderman79: I'm interested. Links?
@NanorH: But the only steak I have is rare.
@Celtic1888: ...what?
@vogonpoetry: I think it's the only option. Other than standing there.
@Dollar Bill: See, the only problem with this is that an external blu-ray player would cost the same as a standalone blu-ray player.
@MifuneT: Yes, that's what they're interested in. Nobody could ever actually be interested in the engineering and components.
@EthanPeter: Or infinite episodes. There aren't any actual files stored permanently on the chips, it's just buffer. Everything streams.
Best review ever.
@xaronax: My god. I'd love to lose around %10 of my weight in one incredibly painful go.