
Is the episode title a play on “Smith & Wesson” or “Spaghetti Western”? I’m very curious now since it’s ranked #1 on the title list.

Oh wow I thought Yola already released her latest album.

I got a cold noodle bún takeout on Saturday night in advance for lunch the following day when the temperature was climbing to 100.

Can Kinja be fixed already?! Because two people have replied to comments I made and I cannot find them in this article.

I googled that exact title and the first result was a Thai show. Could be that.

It’s been on my queue forever so yes I’ll finally watch it next weekend. Even better to know that it’s not a bloody, jump scare flick.

Must have been a kappa tourist in disguise.

Thank you. I was thinking that the MCU TV series, (pre-Disney+), did provide gay representation. However I only watched the Netflix series and rep on that area involves some shady people, particularly Jeri’s ill-fated marriage and tryst. And Shades was into men too? I don’t recall that.

The thing though is what if I want to see myself, a gay person, reflected in the MCU proper.

Nah it’s just Sara, Mick, and Gary on the Waverider.

Yep I was bracing myself for Sara and Ava to get abducted again. Then I breathed a sigh of relief when the mannequin fireworks went off.

Yeah, it’s an easy mistake. We all want more Agatha in the MCU.

How did Loki and Mobius pinpoint just the Alabama hurricane as the site where Lady Loki is hiding? I knew they were sifting through natural disasters on the timescale where the candy was sold but was it just narrative convenience to pick that event?

The Agatha cameo? I think they mistook Kate Berlant at the Renn Faire bar for her. I know I did for a few seconds.

Some reviews back then did call Chuck “dead Zooey Deschanel” so I don’t blame you for the confusion.

Oh wow, I forgot that was one long take. Very impressive.

The Amelia Earhart body horror was called “Zaguron”. And the squidshifters are “Necrians”.

I didn’t know what shoes Zari wore, but they definitely weren’t her style.

A D” for delicious.

Freakin’ Kinja is malfunctioning again.