
The reason why these things happen is not due to lack of servers like most people here think is the reason. Its due to the fact that you have a shit ton of traffic coming in all at the same time.

Not sure if I like the overall look of the character art, the over exaggerated limbs, even the faces seem off to me. It reminds me of Aeon Flux which I never cared for much at all.

Bah a red priest? Why not one of the Faceless men? Now that would be freaking awesome! But I do like the idea of being able to play one of the "crows" as the wild-lings call them.

Dose the xbox version not have a creative mode? Because in that mode there is no need to mine or gather everything. Unless you just don't prefer playing it that way.

Look I love minecraft I really do but reading about someone playing it is just as dull as watching someone play it.

So wait the idiot made himself look bad and the product he was representing and now he is trying to say its their fault he can't get any more work?

Thank you very cool way of answering by the way.

Dog? oh you mean the Hound! Well if you remember at the beginning of this season he agreed with Sansa when she told Joff that it was bad luck to kill someone on your name day (something she made up!). So it dose show he dose not want to see anymore harm come to her.

If you haven't you should read the books Greyjoy comes off more as a prick in it. After getting through the second book I disliked him that much more.

I would say loyalty and mercy is what killed Ned Stark, He showed mercy to that in breeding bitch of a queen and all it got him was his head chopped off in front of his daughters.

Well that is defiantly good info to know, but like they say often the shot that kills you is the one your never hear.

Been in on the beta for a good long time and I have to say for me it is just a resounding "No" maybe its just old age creeping in or maybe there is just something I don't care for in this installment that I just can't put my finger on. The game just feels watered down and if they want me to hawk up $60 they need to

My lord I have seen that movie so many times now I know it line for line. Well done sir! Ah the joy of having kids that want to see the same fucking movie all the time!

Eeew man I feel for you because that would scar the hell out of me.

and just like in the real game everyone wants to be the goddam sniper. Props on the dispenser it looks awesome of what I can see of it.

Yeah my moms cat was an asshole like that. Thank god the one I have now is completely the opposite

I often find that people who don't like cats often have never owned one or had a bad experience with one. I use to be one of those people until my son wanted one and his mom got it behind my back. I have to say I actually quite fond of the fur ball he dosn't do much and sleeps most of the time, I guess it helps also

If anything that might cause a "shotgun" effect on the asteroid instead of a single bullet hitting the earth it would be like a giant round of shot hitting us and spreading the damage over a wider area.

So we would need an 8 year heads up? Lets see given the size of earth and the number of actual scopes and other devices powerful enough to see it, the odds are we would never see the sucker until it was too late. Seeing that this object is in space it could come at us from any direction so our chances of detecting it

^This ! Every thing you said is why I have not owned an EA or Activision game in a long time. D3 was going to be my first Activison/ Blizzard game but that BS online crap was a turn off and the fact that it was completely watered down compared to D2.