
I'm sorry but I am going to have to disagree, while the sex in the show may seem a bit gratuitous its actually mild compared to the source material. If what they have shown bothers you then reading the books will make you want to pop your eyes out and clean them after you are done reading. Much of this post seems to

Wow that is awesome! I have no idea what the guys was saying because I had to turn down the volume because his voice was just irritating the hell out of me. It sounded like he sucked down a few helium balloons before he posted this vid on youtube.

I'm with you I'm not excited at all anymore having played the beta, I just canceled my preorder for D3 and went to steam and preordered torchlight 2. The always on line crap killed it for me the real money AH was not that big of deal to me because I knew I would never use it. So at the end of the day when I started

Oh Im sure some third party site is going to think of a way to get around it, just a matter of time before they figure something out.

Yeah but at least with Amazon there is usually a physical product involved, this is just blizzard moving data around which trust me is not all that hard to do. I really don't see that many people using this all that much expect maybe some of the die hard players who will pay for an uber rare item.

Yeah I could never bring myself to spend real money on pretend crap in a games. Especially if I know that I can get the same item for free just by playing the dam game. But hey if Blizzard wants to fleece the lazy people out there who am I to stop them.

The only problem I have ever heard about Steam is that it takes FOREVER for them to get back to devs unless you have a big publisher. Indie guys still get on to the service its just they tend to be low man on the totem pole.

We got one of those near us last year, but I wasn't all that impressed with it and the prices where way too dam high for what I considered a mediocre burger. But then again to be fair some of the local dives around Chicago have been serving me better burger before they showed up in my city.

That whole relationship is just fucked up. Its like she is whoring her daughter just to try and get rich off of it.

True your right, its just on this blog they call it a "game" when it is clearly not what you would call a traditional one. I was under the impression when kotaku first posted about it that it was more in line with a adventure type game like monkey island. Not a fairly low interactive visual novel. Again not the guys

I downloaded and played it when you guys first mentioned it on here. It was ok but after a while I just had to play it in small spurts. It got kind of dull in the middle.

Think it as a lot to do with the whole "What is old is new again" trend that seems to be starting in the industry mostly due to indie devs who can't afford the latest and greatest when it comes to game engines and such.

I'm inclined to agree with you because as of now marriage is a joke in this world. Its such a disposable thing now that no one even blinks and eye when divorced is announced. Biggest bit of irony is how marriage has sanctity only when the topic of gay marriage is brought up often by the same people who are known to be

I feel for you man, I feel the same way the beta help me deiced to skip it for now and get torchlight 2. The whole time I was playing I kept wanting to send my dog back to town to sell off things, dam you torchlight for making a handy pet!

The biggest sticking point at least to me is when they take servers down for this thing or that I now have a game I can't do jack shit with. At least with D2 if bnet was down for any reason I could still fire up a single player to occupy myself while I waited. Now it will be like " Dam it D3 is down for maintenance

Yeah I feel the same way, think I will skip this one and wait for Torchlight 2. D3 is good but there is just not enough there for me to care about it at this point. The always online thing is also a sticking point for me. Which I find odd I have no problem with SC2 that has a similar launcher but it turns me off in D3.

Ive fallen asleep during raids on WoW plenty of times in the past, especially when we were waiting around for everyone to show up. Also fallen asleep playing minecraft only to be awoken by the sound of a creeper blowing me up.

I thought it was pretty funny, but the whole time I thought is "where the fuck are your parents kid?" They let you behave like a total douche when playing online? He sounds like the product of a single parent home and mom or dad have no back bone to control this little cunt.

Having played through the beta I have to say its a good game but , I expected more I guess. Plus I'm not a fan of always having to be connected to Blizzards servers. It would annoy the hell out of me to want to play the game and not be able to because Blizz would have them down for this reason or that.

Oh it was hilarious! That is what got me in trouble is because 1. He said it and 2. I was laughing uncontrollably for 10 mins. So she was pretty pissed at me for cursing around the boy.