Im sure everytime he goes to the doctor they check him for testicular cancer cause that takes huge balls!!
Im sure everytime he goes to the doctor they check him for testicular cancer cause that takes huge balls!!
Color? And by color i mean what shade of British racing green?
I luv when people argue over how hot a model is! Dont matter, she aint never gonna let u hit it unless you have senna money and vice versa!
Everyone knows canada doesn’t count! Its like your monopoly money, no country accepts!
As soon as I saw “ski patrol” I pictured a Pajero or something like it.
You spelled extreme wrong!
Im guessing you havent actually seen the 720s. Two very different cars from every angle.
Thats what i thought or like a lebaron. Some shitty 90's coupe that should of never made it into production.
All buicks age 20 years immediately after leaving the production line.
Looks like if McLaren made a P1 for master splinter. Sooo much going on, cant really tell what im looking at
If i have room to merge and youre just sitting in the lane i am going to merge. But i am not going to give you an opportunity to close the gap when you see i am cutting in. Thats just going to piss me off when i do finally get around and you continue with youre previous speed. People dont want others to pass them but…
Ive seen this happen several time on highways. I had to panickstop on I4 because some lady decided to come to a full stop and make a right hand turn from the middle lane for an exit she had slightly passed already. She made 3 lanes of traffic come to a stop because she couldnt take the next exit.
If everyone is passing you, you are the problem.
Ohhhh you! You ..... you...... ohhhh! Wow. You.... Its you... youre the one I hate.
Soo get out of the left lane.
Not in orlando. These people make right handers, end up in the far left and stay there for miles. Since i moved here from nyc, ive always said that if you dropped 1000 floridians in NY there would be riots in the streets. Except the floridians wouldn’t notice.
Every single driver in Florida. Everything they do is ass backwards. They merge onto every street and highway, cut across every lane to the left, only to slow down and do 50 mph the rest of the way.
When you sign up for the job it’s with the idea in mind at you could make 6 figures a year without a high school diploma. Then you do the job and realize that you have to work 70 hrs a week 52 weeks out of the year to hit those numbers.