
Well the climbing company Black Diamond sued to have their logos removed because of the harness buckle breaking scene, so they were not in the "silly fun" camp. But I assure you I was. I love this film and it remains one of my favorite action movies!

Actually he died in a car crash.

I would add that the rock climbing community has many issues with this movie. I love it.

I was very confused by the headline I thought it would be an article not a segment synopsis.

this plus I sprayed them with red paint afterwards and placed them on wood as sculptures. My parents were worried.

They are making this into a movie as reported at this site.

I was thinking… I bet KEXP is doing something cool

I agree, I feel like the story could be told better over 8 episodes, this episode felt like they were shoehorning a lot in.

I thought it examined adulthood a way that few other shows did. But what do I know.

Jennifer Garner is a fantastic actress, always happy to she see gets so much work!

But wait is Shia back? Helloooo? Anybody. Yuge fan here, Yuuuge.

I came here to recommend the fantastic book "Action Speaks Louder" a critical analysis of american action films. The book analyzes these two movies and others mentioned in the article as the birth of the modern action movie. Basically : Police Procedural + Western + War Film = Action Movie, check it out!

I also love Fixed for all the off center left field versions.

I saw this at the newly opened Alamo Drafthouse Mission in SF, I loved the movie and don't really get all the criticism.

This film is astounding and better than the review gives it credit for.

Got that shit on vinyl!

I streamed it at work earlier this week and really liked it. I remember listening to it in the 90's and feeling the same as you. I liked more accessible things like NIN Ministry Jesus and Mary Chain at that time. I think its best to just listen and not to worry too much about the "concept" which I find is true of…

I always thought this was called Shazam. I saw it on a train.
Horrible movies I have seen in transit : Kazaam, Bogus, Operation Dumbo Drop

His books are great. "You're not doing it right" might be up your alley. Hilarious but grounded in reality and heartfelt. My Custom Van is awesome but very silly.

I saw this in the theater in 2000. I disagree that it is good or worth seeing.