
Did she even audition for this????

Putting this at the top of my list!!!! (watches Bonnie and Clyde and The Getaway instead).

I loved many of these films between the ages of 10-13 and will definitely check this out. American Ninja 4 I recognized as horrible even as a young teen.


That it increases dehydration seems unimportant? What is the purpose of drinking it if not for hydration? Pleasure?

The recent Murray XMas addition was pretty Great/Creepy

Yes his plans often seem to involve jumping off of cliffs. Can I get an Amen for Survivorman?

Condensation yes, filtering in a "survival situation" probably not.
But easier to gather condensation from your breath. When sleeping places some plastic a few inches above your head area, in the am wipe with bandana or tshirt and squeeze that lukewarm morning breath elexir into your gullet. I JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE

I'll assume you are joking but if you are not it is a diuretic, it pulls water from your body to process.…
Coffee, beer, urine - pull water from you body, the more you drink the worse off you are.

As someone who has some training in survival, it is not recommended to drink urine, it will dehydrate you. Only Bear Grylls does this/ recommends this because it makes for good television.

Having spent many years in retail I can confirm after 1,000s of hours of testing that yes, this is the worst holiday song.

I like his character Bruce Chandlng the comic and also when he ran for School President as Chris Fitzpatrick. Have you given those a spin?

I would love AMC added to this, and IFC and comedy central

I will add "Jason takes Brooklyn" We can all agree that Jason Takes Manhattan is the best of the bunch and needs a Millennial reworking.

Isn't sketchfest generally terrific? I a stella reunion a couple years ago among other amazing performances.

I love this show. the camping one, the real estate one, the coffee shop, all amazing!

3 is pretty good! I would go 1,3,4 New Nightmare


No but I happened to be hiking the Appalachian trail the whole time and was not with my South American Mistress.

I think Scream 4 was pretty great. It would be fun to watch New Nightmare, Scream, and Scream 4 to study the progression of awareness.