
I love Grandaddy. And I have also liked Jason's solo work. I don't see much relation to Flaming Lips. I call it sad folk psych computer rock. I think the lyrics are great.

I was going to bring up Friday the 13th, but I don't remember the Total Recall game.

He didn't turn it down. He was in it. He was later cut out.

This narrative sounds like a Chuck Palahniuk short story. I hope it is satire and not someones actual life.

She didn't sleep with the geeky kid because she cared about him, she didn't want him involved, not because she didn't like him.

I can't stand him.

Does this mean I should watch Mullhullond drive? Does it really fall into the "horror" classification or is it more of a dark challenging art film.

Pause Button

This is one of the first horror movies I saw, and may still be in my top ten, I unabashedly love it and would make all my friends watch it and recite the insane monologues at the drop of a hat in Junior High and High school.

I like the idea of his agent calling him in the middle of the night. "They know, they are going to go to the AV Club with it, I would tell your wife and family and we will start damage control immediately." "We can beat this thing Chris. Now go put on a strong pot of coffee, I'll be in your kitchen in 22 minutes."

Blood Car is a great little horror flick and a satire on alternative fuel issues, this sounds like a rip off of that idea.

This is what people say who haven't been to the west coast.

I love the Chemical Bros, they are great live! Listened to this record lots in college.

That is literally the point of the character in Sound Advice.

But is Ziggy in it?

that one

I like Choke also, but haven't seen the movie.

Are you confusing Jonathan Safran Foer with Eggers or is that a literary adaptation joke?

There is a wine bar where I live in SF where James Murphy often stops by. I have never seen him but when I went in there with a DFA t-shirt on, the french owner asked in a thick accent "Do you know James?" I find this to be flattering and ludicrous. Should we ask every person in a band or record label t-shirt if