
I spent some time working in the habeas realm. This kind of result is almost unheard of; Congress has made it infuriatingly hard to get a conviction overturned. Glad the documentary made it easier for him, but it’s so frustrating because like... what about the people who don’t have documentaries?

It’s too little, too late, but it beats serving out that outrageous sentence.

From the cops who coerced a false confession out of a vulnerable teen, to the shady lawyer who threw him under the bus, to the private investigator who helped the state double-down on the false confession - he was let down by the system every step of the way. Hope he can sue the pants off everyone who facilitated

As repulsive and horrifying as that is, I’m kind of enjoying the fact that he might be a part of freshman orientation.

If we’re in the Twilight Zone, this won’t end until Trump gets elected, his voter base becomes so paranoid and power-hungry that they arm themselves and start taking care of the “bad guys” on their own terms, then eventually turn on each other until everyone is dead. The closing line would be something like “Keep your

So walking the way most busy women walk, in order to avoid male attention, cat-calling and general bullshit is now suspicious? WOW.

Not cocky when you can back it up. Trump, he’s cocky. Biles is a truth teller,

she is allowed to be cocky!!!!!

she is amazing, hello champion

We need a tv show where this Judge teams up with Judge Amber Wolf and does...really, anything. Maybe have the two of them chat with that miserable Judge Aaron Persky.

cynthia and i are fine btw

I actually had the exact opposite happen with kidtheplayer#1. ‘Round about hour 20 or so of labor I heard the doc on call tell the nurse “this one’s not coming out without forceps but keep her pushing” all sotte voce. Doc leaves and Nurse Ratchett’s all “come one MOM, lets push!” Me, exhausted and in excrutiating

This is what happened to Rosemary Kennedy. Her mother was in labor and the doctor wasn’t there, so the nurse held the baby inside of her for TWO HOURS until he got there, and Rosemary suffered brain damage. Then, of course, when she was a teenager, her piece of shit, hope-he’s-rotting-in-hell, fuckface dipshit father

It’s referred to that way because “loss of consortium” is the legal term for a separate claim for damages for a third party who otherwise isn’t involved in the suit. Her own inability to have sex would be factored in to her personal claim for damages relating to this colossal fuck up.

This is what happened to Rosemary Kennedy - a nurse held her mother’s knees together for almost two hours waiting for the doctor to arrive...resulting in her permanent brain damage. The rest of her life is fucking tragic, but it all started when a nurse did exactly this, for pretty much exactly the same reason.

In 1918, Rose Kennedy was giving birth at home - and because the doctor was dealing with Spanish influenza patients and would have been out a nice fee if he wasn’t there when her baby was delivered, the nurse(s) attending her didn’t feel they had the authority to deal with the birth, so they shoved her crowning baby

her husband’s loss of consortium,

I remember sobbing as they explained why I MUST have a C-section or I could die. “But I didn’t read the chapters on C-sections!” I explained. I’m a preparer. And I didn’t prepare for that.

I really wonder what the heck is going on. I’ll assume, by the verdict, that an expert testified that that is in no way a valid medical technique, is not taught to doctors, nurses, obgyns, midwifes, etc, and so on. What was the motivation of the nurses? Is there a suspected “real motivation” (my first thought: if the