
I use Rdio, which is like Spotify only I don't think there's a free version. But I got a student discount on it and it has most of the music I like on there. Definitely wouldn't recommend using data for it though, although you can download tracks to your phone and play them without a connection. I do that for car

I listen to a lot of music from whatever game I happen to be playing at the time. Since I only really stream music nowadays I rarely ever keep any with me. Back when I had a working iPod, I had the entire The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time OST. I downloaded it in the months leading up to Skyward Sword and I was

I might watch that Leigh Alexander LP series later sometime. Sounds fascinating. That MGS3 run sounds awesome and I may try something like that the next time I play that game, which I do every couple of years or so. It's one of my favorites.

I didn't realize that the PS1 resolution was so low. I got a bigger TV recently and PS1 classics look pretty rough up there, even with the PS3's upscaling. Final Fantasy IX has a neat aesthetic and I wouldn't mind playing it in a higher resolution. Too bad it probably won't happen.

I found Quistis' blue magic skills in VIII to be pretty useful, especially since the number of white and black magic spells were limited and you were kind of forced to Junction all the best ones. Micro Missiles made killing Tonberries to get Odin actually possible, and Degenerator was useful for if you just didn't

Blue Magic! Which now that I think about it is probably pretty useless.

They already re-released VII and VIII on Steam. Maybe they're going to port IXto PC?

It's crunchtime here at school, so I should probably be a responsible person and study for finals and write papers and stuff this weekend.

The music is probably the best thing about the series, there isn't a game I've played yet that doesn't have at least a few tracks I listen to on repeat. Even the non-Uematsu games have some great stuff.

Right? That's kind of a pet peeve for me with games, but I'm not above using a guide in order to see everything. Plus, my instinct for exploration wasn't that great when I played Chrono Cross but now having played other RPGs I check every corner and try to use a guide as little as possible.

I played Chrono Cross and loved it. Especially the music. My one problem was I had to use a guide to get the true ending and it made me feel like a dummy.

It is a lot more fun to like things!

Hmm. I do value the story and characters but I'm willing to look past that if the gameplay holds my attention (again, I like VIII). But I liked the atmosphere of Tactics and everything I've heard about XII makes it seem like it's more about the world than the characters necessarily, which I'm kind of into.

I don't have a lot of MMO experience, so maybe I'll really like it.

Hey, awesome. I didn't expect a response like that. I'm a lurker and I don't often feel like I have much to contribute, but I'd love to talk more about these games that I've sort of fallen in love with with other fans. Thanks for being so welcoming!

I put off playing VI too early because its reputation is a little intimidating and I didn't want the other games to pale in comparison.

I've heard enough good things and seen enough footage of XII that I'm still really intrigued and want to play it. I just seems different than the others. I'm a little timid about XIII, but that has its defenders too so who knows.

So a couple years ago I decided for some reason that I wanted to get into JRPGs after years of thinking that I wouldn't like them because they seemed boring or something. I started with Chrono Trigger (DS version) because I had played it before on the PlayStation and liked the little of it I had played. So I played

Oh yeah. I had heard about that. Man, I need to get a 3DS.

I see what you mean, but I kind of play all the Zelda games kind of linearly. I mean, is it even possible to play dungeons outside of sequence in any other game that isn't the first one?