Many thanks! I can’t believe I clicked on a story with “Uber” in the headline so I could find out what a Vezel was. I guess I am a Honda fanboy...
The truck driver really left her in the dark after his drive.
The the poor JNJ lady wouldn’t shed more light on the situation?
Thank you to everyone who is biting the bullet to buy this (for lack of a better term)‘ambitious approach’. $44k+ for 310 miles, and having to wait 30 minutes for 170 miles? Fail.
It’s a good thing it has lots of semi-autonomous features. Controlling practically everything via the touch screen is going to require lots of looking away from the road.
Shit someone needs to call Subaru and tell them they can charge an extra $1000 for all their colors except black on the Outback because they’re all Pearls or metallics too
Headline should read: “St Louis snaps and loses Focus in recent sweep”
Hate that they’re towing the line on this one, guess they don’t want to make any snap decisions.
I just hope the lady can afFord the cost to fix her car.
Yeah, they appear to be brushing her off.
I don’t know, maybe they lost Focus on what to do for their own citizens.
I think the city is just sweeping this under the rug, so to speak.
If this was a German car, they would have called it a coupe.
Do you have Donks in your neighborhood? Time to move...
Whatever law it is that allows GM to use reverse indicators as approach/departure lighting. That one is the stupidest.
We’ve seen the G8 as the most popular people vote for many of these “what car should i buy” pieces - i say people vote because it’s always a kind reader who suggests what the authors failed to - and this time is no different. Unless he could go with just 2 seats, then i would suggest this, which would put a multiplier…
A friend of mine bought a VW Diesel Golf. Turns out the sellers lied about the emissions or something big time. Super sketchy scenario. Whatevs. Sellers took it back.