
I'm usually fine but I will occasionally have spells of "microsleep" where I am unbelievably exhausted and nothing I do can keep me from closing my eyes and dozing off. Only way to get past this is pull over and cat nap for 5 minutes or so.

We swear we're helping the poor children out! Where would they be without our slave-labor wages??

It doesn't seem like it would be that complex of a build, but I would like to know their factory conditions as well. Especially since they will be donating some proceeds to a children's charity..

Agreed, you can likely do most things you would like to do with a B.A. (unless you want to be a professor).


If a hardware maker can match the awesomeness that is the macbook trackpad I will finally jump back to Windows. This looks awesome, well done Microsoft!

Wow. That picture. His Face. I can never un-see that...

I wasn't expecting much out of Nissan and thought that lust-worthy, Japanese super-cars were a relic of the last millennium. They delivered with this.

I hear kids these days soak tampons with vodka?

If anyone here is a denim nerd, I have a pair of Imperial Duke's i'd like to sell (they're a bit too tight for me).

Mac and PC's have different usb orientations? I think my mac is different than pc's i work on?

I got up to 9 GB by doing the beta, pretty awesome.

I'm sorry, but are Chinese people as stupid as they come across in the media?

The only way I ever get a good night's sleep is when i'm out in the field/ camping.

Rich people tend to be pretty damn boring. Especially if they didn't have to work for their wealth..

F50's were always a bit too toy-ish for me.

Not sure, that's why I was wary of it...

One word: Tardigrades.

It's really going to suck when all that oil dries up...

Has anyone used titanium to develop iOS apps?