
Any thoughts on having a landing page on Scriptogram hosted from a Dropbox?

How stupid can they be? I'd like to know how much money they made off the overpriced usb drive...

I never use Word anymore, except to copy text in, format it, and send it off.

Agreed. I'm definitely not trying to buy another apple adapter...

Damn. I could host a videoconference of myself making a pb&j sandwich and get more views than this dude.

What a prick. How much money are you getting payed again??

I know this is beating a dead horse but... Why the hell are you allowed to bring 2! lighters on a plane?! If they're actually trying to prevent terrorism how do they justify letting lighters through? Buncha fucking dinguses...

RT usually is my go to, however, "Trick r' Treat" has an 85% on the site and I figured it would be a fun sunday night movie. Wow. Talk about a steaming pile of shit. It was really awful. RT has been tainted in my eyes..

I'm in. Let's move to chechnya. You buy the beemer and we'll out-hoon those damn Chechens.

Why are fights in real life never as awesome as I imagine they would be?

Someone give me $15,000 so I can donate and have dinner with this man!

Wow it must suck to have a house on one of those hills...

I bet that on a lifetime dentist's salary Josh will end making more money that Jeremy will.

I think this is a great idea. However, I don't think it should be activated by the driver. It should be a feature that automatically detects when a person is on the phone and turns on the light to alert other drivers in the vicinity.

Jesus, I'm going to have some fucked up dreams tonight... Nothing makes me queasy like a leg bent at mid-shin.

They have the internet at BYU?

You're welcome, Jesus!

That sounds like a bad trip...

Except for in Australia where they try to pass of this foolishness as a "BBQ".

The surface area of their cash in dollar bills is ~ 1000 km^2 !! Wahoo! That's like enough to cover... New York??