
They would have to start a university and educate all of the engineers needed because we simply don't have enough in this country. That would take 4 years to get everyone they needed educated. I agree with you but I just don't think a company would ever do that to themselves. They're happy where they are and probably

Thanks for ruining my cred by having that song unexpectedly blare out in the library...

This! I was typing out the exact same comment but scrolled down to make sure no one else had already said it. I was there ~ 10 years ago and yes, to this day I'm amazed at how clean it is compared to every other subway system in the world. Glad to hear it's still as shiny as I remember it.

I think this site was up ~ 3 hours after the passing of his father.

Used 'em last night!

Couldn't liquids be placed in a container that would produce the same spectra as another inert liquid? Say the container could appear to be holding water because of the material the container is made of but is actually full of something nasty?

Haha agreed. This is the new-money stupid rapper car for sure.

What's a D league?

I've tried them a few times and they always give me a headache. And I think they look silly, but hey that's just me.

I totally agree, I'm not at all in favor in pirating content. I purchase my music (I don't really listen to music "big" labels) and watch movies only on Netflix or pay to watch. I'm just saying if they're crashing down on these guys for being crooks, a hell of a lot more should have been done against financial

Seriously, If these gov. can calculate a monetary loss for the entertainment industry, then why not calculate the loss to the American people caused by the financial industry?

Didn't you know? Poor/ middle class kids aren't supposed to learn anything. They're supposed to mind their own business and grow up to be my chauffeur!

Yes it is very chic.


I think it can be used to convey any emotion or idea. It is applicable to all situations and will always be funny. Neil deGrasse Tyson transcends space and time. I believe that researchers at Cern will discover that he is in fact the Higgs Boson.

Watch out for this one, she's indestructible.

Ok, I know nothing about developing iOS apps but would like to learn basics. What would be the best way of going about this? I realize I have to learn Objective-C and go from there, but where exactly should I look to after this?

That's awful, damn no clearance low-riders! I think my worst was the phone smashing into the concrete and sliding into a snowbank, luckily there was no water damage... I really should just buy a case for my phone. /mindblown

I always leave my phone in my lap when i'm driving and forget about it when I get out of the car. My phone has gone flying across many a concrete parking lot before and it has yet to break or crack! (iphone 4)