

It seemed like they were working around the clock. If we got rid of those pesky unions in the US, i'm sure we could accomplish a similar feat!


$528 for 24 diet cokes = $22 a coke?

Jokes on them. They think being an above-average high school sports star translates to success down the road?? HA!

Beer during liquor: get drunk quicker?

Skyrim. Skyrim. Skyrim. Maybe a bit of Starcraft if my eyes aren't falling out of my head by then...

So once the zombie apocalypse comes i'll be able to play angry birds on my iPhone until I die in my basement? Ah I can see it now, just me, my iPhone and a full gas generator.

That's exactly what i'm doing. Hope you're not in the same city as I am!

Do people actually like Android or is it some weird thing where you hate it but don't wan't to admit it?

It doesn't look very good...

I will only read it three more times.. This week.

I second the vote for the Corrado, what an awesome little car!

If lived in Japan I would definitely do this to my Aventador.

Why would anyone apologize for this? We pay to see a bunch of big dumb idiots knock the living crap out of each other. We shouldn't expect them to be courteous upstanding human beings on top of it.

Between this and the unbelievable smog in Beijing, China really is a giant shit-hole right now!

Is it like a trebuchet?

They definitely didn't need the over-the-top cheese ball music. This thing is damn cute, I don't need this dumb music to realize that.

That pilates "workout" thing looks like a combination torture machine/ guillotine/ bed?...