
Simmer down and have some patience, entitled millennial.

This was just bad engineering, ocean surface temperatures have risen only about a half a degree in the last 30 years. Air tempatures a fraction of a degree. So this is hardly an “OMG GLOBAL WARMING” issue.

Only on the internet will you find people defending someone who would intentionally run another person off the road. Douchebags.

Says right there on the vehicle, Ram. What else is he supposed to do with it?

If the boyfriend said "I don't know how bad this is going to get" there is most definitely more to the story. Still. I don't care if the Nissan spent 20 miles riding side by side with the car in front of it, brake checked the ram, or was otherwise a nuisance. Pickup driver deserves an attempted murder charge.

Please enlighten me as to where you can get a crew cab 4x4 or AWD pickup with leather for $35k. Or a 4x4 pickup at all for $31,275, much less a crew cab.

Personally, no I don’t feel marginalized if there are no gay characters in a movie or tv show. Is it nice to see a gay character? Yes. It is needed all the time? No.

Is it the parts that are pretty much unliveable today?

The climate models they have now can’t even replicate past years where results are known so how can they project decades in the future? Face it, we don’t know how the climate works much less predict what’s going to happen in the future.

Well you can’t just take over other people’s land. Why are you having lots and lots of children in a war torn country? Population control people.

That movie was made in 1977. Are you really complaimging about LGBT portrayals in a movie that's almost 40 years old?

Only problem with this Theory is this thing called “Weather” that equalizes temperatures regionally.

Parts of Africa are going to become uninhabitable in the future? Aren’t parts of Africa uninhabitable now?

Since we’re speaking about representation in a fictional universe I will assume that you are speaking of Star Wars in terms of American culture (being a product of that culture) and that it should, in some way, be representative of that culture.

Stop thinking with your brain and logic! everything is apparently about sexual orientation... apparently. Honestly you are the only intelligent person here. 4 people in the entire star wars saga happen to be straight and now we apparently need a gay scene. No.. no we don’t. Just because something doesn’t contain gays,

The space slug was a “boy”

Yes, because that is what we need. Let’s have gay love scenes in Star Wars. I am not against anyone, and there may be gay people a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....but let’s not do it to make a political point. And who is to say Chewie isn’t gay? Lando had a freaking cape, perfectly quaffed hair....Sorry,

I hate when people want stuff shoehorned into stuff just to check a fucking box

What about disabled people? Why do LGBT folks get a gay character before a disabled character? Who gets to decide whose grievance takes precedence?

Seriously, who cares? We don't need token minorities just for the sake of checking a box.