Jorge Milian

Fun little factoid :

Given the torque curve, Ford is using the DBW throttle to manage lag and limit output to protect the rest of the driveline. If you flash it , there’s going to be a ton more power and area under the curve to be had.

Local law enforcement for fun and profit!
I live near a large outlet mall, and it’s predictable to see them lined up ,popping rental cars in season. Now if the same car gets broken into, rotsaruck buddy.

1st gen GTI didn’t have a 5th gear, so highway mileage suffered

I remember seeing the description online, but never any performance data.

The Levinson amps can be replaced with an aftermarket DSP and amp combo for a permanent fix.

At $800 for the amp repair , you can get a DSP and aftermarket amp setup and be done with it.

Duratech all day..

WoodStrock in the 80’s


Well done. A fine tool used for its intended purpose. Love the footage of the fan and throttle linkages.

I have the 1200 and the 6000. If I want more polished than that, I use a sheet of paper

King Japanese waterstones .. The best. I’ve had mine for over 25 years.

My first flavor law was: add fat. A pat of butter , a drizzle of olive oil ,a tablespoon of heavy cream works wonders in food. Humans were programmed to seek calories , ergo fat and sugar are genetically programmed into our hypothalamus.

It’s defiantely another engine.. There’s some super high end stuff being done for drones which use the turbo for altitude compensation for the piston engine and the turbine for thrust. The mixture is delibrately rich and bypass air added back to generate thrust.

Keith Duckworth considered a turbocharger a second engine

The ADI fluid is not directly spark ignitable. It serves two functions .

The thing you have to remember in the case of the exhaust flow is that it is pulsed , and is being ejected at close to the speed of sound. Ejector stacks helped British warbirds add up to 15 knots in some cases. In fact , Rolls -Royce eschewed turbocharging for mechanical blowers in order to exploit the jet thrust

Crotchety old men FTW!