Jorge Gamboa

Two of my favorite 99 action films are missing: "The Mummy" and "The Phantom Menace". "The Mummy" is an a amazing genre-blender of a movie, and on top of the horror-fantasy-thriller-romance-comedy-adventure aspects, it has some awesome action sequences and a great representation of Made In the USA guns-akimbo heroic

Jane Seymour is one of the most beautiful actresses of all time and she's got a lovely personality to match.

Doesn't make sense in a world where Jared Harris exists.

Wow, I just read the synopsis in IMDB and looked at some pictures. That's pretty awesome! I shall put it on my to-watch list for the year.

That sounds like the most awesome idea for a TV show I've heard in a long time. I think you're right about actors wanting to sink their teeth in noir/hardboiled works.

One of my biggest movie wishes is to see a faithful adaptation of "The Long Goodbye", preferrably one that's a four hour mini-series so it can fit everything that the book is about, not just plot-wise, but regarding character, tone and themes. I love Altman's version (it is my favorite film of his, and I'm not a big

I hadn't read an entire Random Roles in a long time. Top-notch job with one of the best working character actors.

Wow, I want to see this movie now. Looks like we have a new entry in the So Bad It's Good canon.

The last couple of years I figured as much. I like generational studies because they help us understand societal trends and why people of certain ages believe or behave in a certain way, but I think that, at least, the timeframe for generations is actually shorter, and there are more generations than there are

I think that an overview of 90's film tropes is long overdue. As much as I love the 80's and it's endlessly spoofable and riff-able tropes, I feel like it has dominated comedy film and TV show parodies for too long. The 90's has its own brand of unique charm. I'm particularly fond of 90's dramas, and the preponderance

I was born in 87 and back when I was in high school I was also considered Generation Y and I still do. The sudden appearance of a "Milennial" generation that's supposed to cover me as well makes no sense and it feels like we've been assigned to generations that don't fit us whatsoever (like you said, being retconned

That all-star film team will be hard to replicate. I wish they were around and I miss the Dissolve, especially because I stopped browsing it a few months before it went kaput and now I feel like every time I watch a movie I'm missing something afterwards.

It happens, so it's all good.

I wish this was a feature, and not a one-off GJI. It reminded me of the movie-centric features that attracted me to the site a few years ago. I love the concept of Dowd assessing each list and what it says about the person and the viewing habits. I did mine as a comparison and I realized that there are trends within a

Lots of interesting people were born on this day. Akira Kurosawa, my favorite director (dare I say…the greatest director?); some great actresses like Michelle Monaghan, Catherine Keener, Keri Russell and Jenny Wright, (Wright is probably better known for her roles in "Near Dark", "Young Guns II" and "The Wall", but

I talked about Rossatron last time they posted a video essay. His page is awesome. I even watch videos on movies I've never heard of.

"it always seems like Americans are just discovering they can die." That is exactly it. I think their reaction to death and dying is one of the main things that I can say are different from a lot of cultures, including my own. Not in all movies (or all families), but it is interesting to me because in Mexico we're

One of my favorite young actresseses. My sister and I loved her portrayal of Sally so much we still quote her and her accents (the lisp from her childhood years and the Don Draper-esque drawl from her teen years) around the house. I'm looking forward to seeing all her work. Reading this interview was wonderful because

Topic Thread: Have you ever watch a movie from a country you're fairly familiar with, film or culturally-wise, and you found it to be too weirdly inscrutable?

You're welcome, and Every Frame DOES take forever. He hasn't uploaded a new one in six months!