Jorge Gamboa

I knew that, but still it's fascinating how, when I think "French", Reno is one of the people that always pop in my head. Maybe Frenchness is contagious.

I don't know if they do, but they do look alike. They do have a classic French look, with the sleepy eyes, the nose and the quiet, taciturn face and demeanor.

I can say with confidence that Denis Ménochet's acting is one of the best performances I've seen. It doesn't feel like I'm watching a character. The unraveling is devastating and that final shot (with the tears coming out) kills me every single time. Truly amazing.

I've been watching a lot of film essays. Lessons From The Screenplay is terrific. Pretty much anyone who checks these essays knows about Every Frame A Painting, Nerdwriter and Channel Criswell, and I think that Now You See It and the Royal Ocean Film Society are getting there in terms of being known, but I highly

Glad it helped. If you had to rush out of your room while crying in the middle of it, I'll feel like I have accomplished something with my life.

I want you to imagine the average AV Club commenter: sarcastic, obsessed with pop culture and with little disposable income. He works in an office and has a very stressful life. He relies on few pleasures: quoting the Simpsons, talking about Dawes, cracking OF COCK jokes. And he does all of that within the warm,

Thank you for the recommendation! I hadn't heard about those journals. I really like those performances and the way he plays them, so having a first-hand account about their preparation sounds fascinating. "Will Penny" has been on my to-watch list for some time. I really need to watch that one soon.

Charlton Heston is one of my favorite classic Hollywood actors. It pains me to think of how his work in the NRA ended up besmirching a life that, years before, had included activism in the Civil Rights Movement. I think he's a wonderful actor who probably has a record for the number of iconic

Thank you for your good wishes. I wish a great 2017 to you as well.

Thank you, and "No Country For Old Men" definitely qualifies, especially because of that haunting monologue by Sheriff Bell ("And then I woke up…") I get chills of recognition every time.

"Manchester By the Sea" just got released in my city and I'm watching that next week. For some time now, I've wanted to start a "topic" thread and I think "What Are You Watching" is the best place for it. 2016 was a very sad year for me and I had to deal with loss and grief. I watched three excellent films that

Definitely, and thank you for using the word "syncretization". I wanted to use it, but in the end I decided against it, but it is the key concept here.

The lack of snarkiness and the nice way you're all saying it is going to end up convincing me.

Lithgow did one of his best acting jobs when he performed his Shakespearean rendition of New Gingrich's spokesman's crazy press release. I share it anytime I can:…

The popping sound for the second p in "tapp" is amazing. The whole performance is a tour de force, but that last tweet reading is the best.

I watched "Batman Lego" with my sister on a Wednesday and we picked the subtitled version, mainly because we wanted to hear Will Arnett and Michael Cera, but also because we knew that it would't be packed. There were two or parents with their children there about 5 years old, too young for subtitles, but it was

Ha…you're too kind. It would be quite a challenge. It's been done many times, mostly in a very literal, hyper-religious manner (that makes the devout happy, and the not-so devout overwhelmed by a saccharine taste) and, on two occassions, in a deconstructive, "behind the myth" way, and knowing me I would find a place

Well…it will be interesting to see what Eszterhas' story will be like and how it will treat a very complex, ambiguous story of early Christian evangelization of Mexicas/Aztecs (the Virgin's visits to Juan Diego were reported in 1531…that's just 6 years after the death of the last emperor). Juan Diego's story is the

Mexican here. A lot of people are commenting here that this doesn't make sense (why take them to a movie, instead of the playground? This sounds expensive…why don't they hire babysitters?). The most important thing to understand is that Mexicans are probably the biggest moviegoers on the continent, even more than the

She really Britta'd that one.