Jorge Gamboa

Bless you, Mr. O'Neal. Not only was that great snark, but it was one of the most incisive, unforgiving analyses of Bush I've read in years…anywhere. I don't get how people (even in the comments) try to soften his personality, talking about how other people were worse, or that he was actually a good guy, etc. He

Great! I've always wanted the AV Club to do a Primer or Gateways to Gekkery for Classic Hollywood divas, because that's one of my biggest blind spots, film-wise. There are entire sub-cultures based around them, and I haven't watched many of this films. It's short and sweet, but apprecciated.

A great man and a true legend among character actors. Just a year older than my dad. What a loss. I haven't seen anyone single out his performance as Morgan Earp in "Tombstone"…it's really underrated among his roles. His last words about not able to see "the light" ("I can't see a damn thing!") always guts me, and now

Yeah, I agree. I didn't mean to question the choice itself, but when you look at the runner ups it's not even a contest, influence nowithstanding, and taking into account that The Rock is definitely a better stand in (I also need to see the runner ups of 96)

It is an actual melting pot. Most Mexicans would not be able to point out their ancestry in the very clear-cut way people in the US tend to do ("I'm half Irish, a quarter German, one quarter Swedish and one tenth Cherokee"), because the mixing of so many ethnicites has been going on for centuries, but even with the

The great thing about this clip is seeing that some of Conan's humor meshes well with the Mexican style. Conan's more oddball style and self-deprecating humor* would fall flat for the most part, but his style of ribbing and playful trolling is perfectly in tune with the crowd.

I thought "Bad Boys" was the pick of the year because it was considered a decent action movie (haven't seen since I was 11 or 12) and it was influential in starting the (albeit awful) ADD style of editing…but the article damns it with faint praise. I get Bay is an important part of action history, but I think it

RIP. He recorded a great audio commentary for "Once Upon A Time In America" and I need to get around to his commentary for "Unforgiven" (and all his books and other commentaries)

Unless there's a different variation, that's the kind of blood known as "Kensington Gore" (5). Your description is very accurate, too.

That's actually the only thing about I think about when I heard/read the title. It's one of the funniest lines I've ever heard.

I don't remember when I read an official explanation, but it makes sense, since samurai doesn't have a plural form ("samurais", although in Spanish it is used). Since Lucas based the Jedi on the samurai (and the name itself is from the jidai-geki genre) it makes sense.

Top 5 Movie Blood Types: 1) The thick, bright-orange blood favored by 60's westerns (popularized by Peckinpah, brilliantly brought back in "Django Unchained"") 2) The vibrant, scarlet red blood used in gritty 70's films (similar to Dick Smith formula, but brighter) 3) The chunky, semi-realistic explosive blood of the

It's a good thing they avoided what happened to "The Last Samurai". The idea was that the Samurai in the title were Katsumoto's Army, but in Spanish they went with the singular interpretation (probably because the studio didn't try to clarify), and so people got stuck with the "Tom Cruise is not even Japanese!"

Love, Actually, actually.

For the most part, they nailed the casting. When I saw the first promos back in 2010, I was astounded by how they managed to bring those characters to life and how close they were to how I envisioned them.

It's called hyperbole. I neither hate old Mitch, nor I do I really want to smack him…but I do wish for him to go quail hunting with Dick Cheney. Sounds more reasonable to you?

I love Senator Warren and wished she would adopt me, and I hate Mitch McConnell because, even though Washington has a lot of evil old men, I had never felt the urge to smack an old man upside the head, or someone who looks like a turtle until I knew of his existence. That's unforgivable.

That's Fox's biggest contribution to history and society. His victory ended the 70+ dictatorial ruling of the party (and he was succeeded by a member of his party, so we had 12 years of a non-PRI presidency), but when it came to governing you couldn't tell the difference. All the vices remained (nepotism, cronyism,

I get that people (in Mexico and the States) have short term memories and can easily forgive lousy leaders, but it's amazing how much faster they forgive them if they say crazy shit and behave like a cranky uncle. It's a strange sociological phenomenon.

Yeah, but that's the thing: Fox was "different", because he didn't look, talked or acted like a traditional politician (or PRI president/candidate). The boots and the folksiness where the selling point, enough to beat back the ballot stuffing and the selling of votes. Once he was in office, he had no problem acting