Jorge Gamboa

Conan wrote one of the most quoted episodes in Mexico, "Marge vs. the Monorail". Several of the most quoted Simpsons lines in the country come from that episode (the "Batman is a scientist" line, all the Leonard Nimoy quotes…curiously, Spanish version of "I call the big one Bitey" sounds more hilarious in Spanish,

Right on. I was more of a lurker than a poster, but most of my browsing was made during those years (2000s) and I had a great experience like you say. Yeah, there are a lot of scumbag posters, but that's what happens when you have bulletin boards in millions of pages and no other moderation than the hide/report

I know IMDB boards get a lot of flack here, but this is sad news for me. IMDB was the first major website I got hooked into back when I first got internet in 2001. It's still a ritual for me to go to an IMDB page every time I watch a movie or TV episode. I usually stick to the trivia and quotes sections (and I have

Great write-up. I now want to read this series, even though I hadn't heard of it before. But the panels presented here cracked me up and I loved the expressions, the color and those flights of fancy.

We just smash the avocados and then add either table cream or a dash of milk, depending on what kind of consistency you want. Add salt.

Brazilian. Don't worry, I'm sure that Lord Cheeto will get around to threatening Brazil with troops around 6 Pm Eastern time.

I actually felt really bad for the stormtroopers in "Rogue One". Not only were they killed en masse, but they died in the most non-chalant ways (even getting their legs pulled and thrown to their doom). Way too patethic to enjoy, and this is from someone who just watched "Commando" and didn't feel bad about it.

One of the all time greats. His range was unbelievable and it was always a pleasure to watch him in anything. Merrick, I think, is one of the greatest performances I've seen on film and I couldn't have wished for a better Winston Smith or Ollivander. He radiated human frailty and warmth with great ease.

We must be of the same age, because I remember video stores fondly. I, too, was not enraptured by Moore's performance, but I think that's because I felt more for Hutton and Sutherland (and was floored by Hirsch's quite command of his scenes) and I really disliked her character…but that's actually why her performance

Today I'm recording a program on "Ordinary People" for a college radio show I work at, so this article and the comments have added a lot of points of discussion and made me a notice a couple of things I missed the first time I watched. Thank you all.

¡Cuidado, Hombre Radioactivo!

Dan Rather's page and News and Guts are the best thing that have happened on Facebook. Terrific, clear-headed, no-nonsense writing and reporting. I always respected Rather, but now he's my hero. I hope future generations follow his uncanny ability for throughtful analyses and (f)actual journalism.

Lo amo, señor O'Brien.

I guess a lot of them don't know or don't care…the pragmatic ones should, since that's kinda important to the economy. But these days, I don't know if there are any practical people there…or at least, not any that the crazy, really racist ones that seem to be dictating policy would bother to listen to.

Oh, nothing, including refined oil, cars, car parts, computer parts, avocado and all sorts of automobile and computer-related thingymajigs and it's just the second largest importer to the USA (after China),

I really dislike the direction they took with these movies. I really wanted a Jedi Academy, multi-generational cast with all new, non-Imperial (Sith disciples are OK, and a few remnants here and there, Thrawn-style, but that's it) threats, dammit.

My post was already long, but I'll take the opportunity to say that yeah, Lee Remick's screen debut is pretty memorable. She's one of the most beautiful actresses I've seen and she looks gorgeous. She also nails her character's immature 17-year-old girl attitude, getting her taste of wealth and the big city and losing

"Not In Nottingham"- Both the original Roger Miller version and the Mumford & Sons. I like them both, and I got a feeling the lyrics are going to be sadly approppriate for a while. Also, Alan Silvestri's "Valiant & Valiant" from the Roger Rabbit soundtrack has been in my head for a couple of days now.

I finally got around to watching "A Face In the Crowd". What a terrific movie it is! I can tell where a movie is going to be special when everything about it (acting, directing, tone) hooks me before the 10 minute mark, and this one did it five minutes in. Of course, Andy Griffith's acting is terrific, but I honestly

Missing from the sidebar list (although reviewed in a "triple feature article): "Incubus", the first film shot solely in Esperanto, starring William Shatner and dealing with witchcraft and a rapist demon that springs from the ground. The black and white photography and ambiguous location (combined with the plot and