Jorge Gamboa

Actually, it started in 2008, so it's a new show (Obama administration new). It's the kind of show most people have on when they need background noise or just want to "watch" something (anything). The people that actually pay attention are the ones that make memes to mock it (which is how I know about its silliness)

The episode where they have Otaku kids dressed in Lawyer-friendly cosplay of Goku and Sailor Moon are the real MVP. Sad that an episode that warns of the dangers of Japanese popular culture is one of the few "aristic" (ahem) explorations of the Japanese pop influence in Mexico. (Not to mention the episode on how

I got "The Exorcist" novel for my birthday two years ago and read it at night. When I started getting paranoid about noises when I was alone, I knew the book was working (and that I needed to finish it during the daytime). The movie has eclipsed it, but I hightly recommend reading the novel. Blatty was a terrific

I prefer Chipotle over Taco Bell, but then again I've only eaten once in each of those places and I enjoyed more those 99 cent Jack In the Box Tacos that were mentioned in an article some time ago. They are tasty in their 50 cent apiece way (that packet sauce is delicious too). I don't oppose fusion cuisine, but Taco

It depends on what you mean by Mexican food. Each state or region has its wide variety of options and cuisine. Bits and pieces of each region get lumped together under the menu of "Mexican food" in the States (not to mention the Tex-Mex variety), but there's a wide berth between mole poblano and quesadillas with

This is so amazingly weird and I got that "glitch in the Matrix" feeling. The character even threatens to sue Ranger Gilman and he promises to save the town but doesn't give any details and just repeats the same words over and over (He also says that only he has the "means" to save them, but the word sounds really

Tom Holland is an impressive writer-director for horror. Both "Fright Night" (Top 3 favorite Horror movie) and "Child's Play" are terrific executions of well-trodden subject. Even though "Child's Play" is darker (in tone and photography), there's still a sense of playfulness and excitement in both pictures, and a

He's more meme than man now…twisted and dank.

Bo Bice…Now that's a name I've not heard in a looong time…A long time…

For my money, "Zootopia" should've been on the list. It's an astounding film, and one of the most nuanced movies about prejudice and mob mentality I've seen (it's hilarious how much more sophisiticated a movie with sloths on the DMV is than 2005 Best Picture winner "Crash") . Saw it for the first time last weekend.

I had forgotten that bit. It was the perfect ending for that little sketch and very Simpsonian.

Some scenes I loved that haven't been mentioned (except for the "Nice Guys")

Classic Jon. When push comes to shove, "the two sides are equally as bad" argument flashes up, CNN-style.

Nice write-up. It's interesting: Tovar had two major roles she was remembered for, and they are different both of the countries she lived in. She is known for playing Mina in the US, and in Mexico she achieved legendary status for playing Santa, a character that's a big deal. "Santa" is one of the Great Mexican

I've been meaning to watch it since the Bush years for all those reasons. I'll probably do it sometime next week.

Yeah, I felt that "off"-ness. Part of my discomfort was caused by that clash of styles. We tend to assocciate "mockumentaries" with comedies (emphasis on the "mock") and while the songs and video clips were absurd, for the most part it is played straight and with such a gloomy script. Even the fact that Roberts is a

I watched "Bob Roberts" for the first time the day before the election and it was unnerving. I know since it was released in 1992 it has been applied to every campaign since, but it's terrifying how specific it feels to Trump and his cultish followers. Did not enjoy it. Then, on election day, I watched "Before the

His Shakespearean (via Richard III)performance of Newt Gingrich's amazing press release on "The Colbert Report" is one of my favorite moments in the history of humanity. Surely, Sir John Lithgow's best performance.

Terrific write-up from my one of my favorite current features. I just want to say that Ira Levin is one of the best writers I've ever read. The man's skill is astonishing but what what makes him a master is his astounding ability to make every innocous line sound threatening once you've read the whole story. There are

The film's plot is slight and Rachel McAdams has very little to do (although, her character being a surgeon, she does have some participation in the main plot) and Mikkelsen also seems to have little screentime in retrospect. But other than that I enjoyed it greatly. Lots of people don't like that Marvel movies are