Jorge Farah

Oh. Well. Um. Gee. Uh. I liked the video!

I enjoyed this dude's video but goddamn his vocal fry drove me crazy. Just a bit of constructive criticism, Empty Cup Awards Dude.

Aw man, I saw them live like 3 years ago and they were so incredibly bland. Easily one of the most boring live performances I've ever seen.

On an album that contains powerhouses like "Go" and "Rearviewmirror", I have a hard time agreeing with that. But I like the song! I was stoked when they started performing it more regularly a few years ago.

You're probably the only person I've ever seen put "WMA" in their top 5. Interesting.

"In My Tree" is their best song by a whole lot, IMO.


It's such a boneheaded mess of a song. I also played it for the first time in forever. By the time it was over, I was upset I'd ever called myself a PJ fan, and felt overwhelmed by the need to either play some No Code or repeatedly punch myself in the testicles to atone.

God I hate "The Fixer". I hate "The Fixer" so much.

I agree it's not as good as most of the album, but I prefer it over "We Didn't Do it"

Good review. I tend to agree, though I do feel the wit in his writing (a surprising amount of laugh-out-loud moments throughout) and startling vividness of his recollection more than makes up for the scattershot nature of the book.

Aw man, I love the living hell out of North. It's an oddity for him (stylistically) but it's full of really beautiful moments.

It's really… not good. Aubrey Plaza spends a good portion of the film in states of undress, though.