
I dont get why more businesses dont do this... any business that needs to get people in the door.. Movie Theaters? Free Tickets/Concessions for vaccine card holders... Restaurants? Free apps or some shit...

I qualified for the vaccine because I’m technically obese so thank you, Krispy Kreme, for making sure I qualify for the next one as well.

Damn, David, I’m not one to gush, but this is the kind of content that keeps me coming back. It’s not just a report of “Here’s something that happened” but rather it’s a dive into why it happened, complete with sweet sweet math to back it up!

A 50/50 split took away the republican majority. It didn’t create a democratic one and most certainly didn’t create a progressive one.

and we arent going to actually fight them either. look who leads our side in congress. a feckless cunt that’s been chipping away at her majority, and chuck fucknig schumer.

Which shows how far-right wingnut the modern GOP has become, by comparison.

“It is totally bizarre how much they will just shoot a firehose full of money at businesses and rich people”

Moderate Democrats are conservatives.

Talk about a tenuous just really classless, click-bait laden shot at Mormons. This is more of a hit piece than it is an analysis or engineering study of the events of Challenger, and it omits the entire sense of “flying the mission” at all costs.

Everything you just wrote is absolutely insane.

Man, you’re really reaching with some of these conclusions. Accusations with nothing to back them up, failure to understand that the subject you chose to write about, is probably the smallest part of the problem in a long list of problems that caused the explosion. I wasn’t even alive for it to happen and I know that

Jaguar should go back to its roots.”

Not sure that the sidecar market is really there.

My car arrived just the other day
Not one of the parts in the mid engine bay.
But there was Bedford six...and an overfilled tray.
Owner’s best intentions spiraled into dismay.

Wow, this guy totally F***s

... Be sure to drink your Ovaltine?

I think it would be good! Especially if you added vanilla and almond extract. I mean it’s cream, sugar, and whiskey. How bad could that be?

BTW: You can make your own chocolate syrup if you have good full fat cocoa powder - whisk 1C cocoa powder with 1.5C sugar, add a pinch of salt and 1.5C water and bring to a simmer while whisking - takes about 30 minutes to reduce and thicken. Add 1t vanilla extract or paste at the end. I do it all the time because

Wondering how this would be without any chocolate element and with one or both of the optional add-ins? This may be heresy to some, but I just don’t like chocolate flavor that much. But I love flavors in the almond/vanilla family.

There have been dark comics that have actually been thought provoking, though. Take Sandman, an unquestonably dark comic from the start just like most comics in the Vertigo lineup.  And yet it’s had some of my favorite stories comic book or otherwise.

Nah, it would have expired in ‘90, so it was last registered in ‘89.